February 7, 2023

The UC met with Provost Gronert virtually, expressing concern about the Testing center, in particular how and why staffing was reduced, whether capacity to serve faculty in our core functions could be restored, and whether the shift to online-only evaluation could be reversed in some cases. The Provost reported that most of the reduction happened through attrition, and that he has tasked Dave Clark to investigate how service could be improved. The UC also emphasized the need for employees to know the status of any required training they may need to do or have done.

In member reports:

  • Schwartz reports that governance representatives across system met with system president Rothman and the Regent’s Board chair to briefly discuss results of the student Free Speech survey.
  • Dolan reported that PTR policy does not currently address non-co-operation in a particular step. A proposed revision will be considered in the future.

In new business:

  • The UC approved a proposed revision in the Faculty Transfer Policy that clarifies the process. It will next go to Codification and then to the Faculty Senate.
  • The UC approved a request from a faculty member for a leave of absence from the Faculty Senate, due to a conflict with their teaching schedule.
  • The Chancellor’s Advisory Committee on LGBTQ+ issues needs a faculty senator appointed by the UC; multiple members expressed willingness to serve.

In old business:

  • The proposed SSEA revision was briefly discussed, and the basic outline appeared acceptable. Boyland will bring back another version at the next UC meeting.
  • More nominations for next year’s UC are being sought.