UC Chair Kathleen Dolan attended the Transfer Summit last week, which was attended by Deans, Associate Deans, and Department Chairs. The Summit was designed to facilitate discussion and brainstorming on how to enhance transfers.
K. Dolan also attended the Chancellor’s Expanded Cabinet meeting. A media relations training for administrators will be held soon. Requests for the next budget will include support for a new chemistry building and the Freshwater Collaborative.
K. Dolan reported that Regent VP Michael Grebe has asked to speak to the Faculty Reps at their next meeting; it is likely he will address the lack of faculty on the UW System President Search and Screen Committee.
K. Dolan met with Bill Keith, currently the faculty representative on the Student Association election commission. He proposed several measures to enhance student participation in governance. Discussion included asking faculty to support SA by informing students of opportunities for SA participation.
The SecU Office has sent out multiple reminders to faculty to complete preference sheets for 2020-21 committee membership.
K. Dolan has been engaging in discussion with CGS members about faculty governance participation.
K. Dolan attended yesterday’s 2030 Think Tank meeting, where enrollment patterns and projections were discussed.
Provost Johannes Britz attended the UC meeting. He reported that Microsoft chose us to host meeting on connected systems. We discussed the culture of promotion to full, including gender disparities in promotion rates. Regent Emeritus Mike Falbo will visit campus next week, to meet with the Deans and the co-chairs of the 2030 Think Tank regarding leadership needed in times of change. The Chancellor’s annual retreat is January 23rd, involving academic planning for the spring semester, plus a follow-up discussion on transfers. Tomorrow is the monthly Provosts’ meeting; Regent M. Grebe will be attending to speak with the Provosts. Later this week is the monthly Board of Regents meeting, to be held at UW-Whitewater. Among topics of discussion are a proposal to give the UW System President power to write regulations and definitions about sabbatical; however, the policy itself will remain campus-based. There will also be an update on the Freshwater Collaborative proposal.
UC Member Bettina Arnold reported that the HBSSW Dean Search and Screen Committee has Zoom interviews scheduled for January.
UC Member John Reisel reported SSEA will send out surveys asking about Chancellor and SOIS Dean performance later this week.
UC Member Tina Freiburger reported that APBC met last week. The Provost attended and gave an update about the budget.
J. Reisel raised the issue of building security and safety on campus; UC discussed methods that could be used to enhance faculty, staff, and student safety.
Chancellor Mark Mone will attend the next meeting.