K. Dolan reported that the Scenario Planning Group met and discussed the Fall 2021 Schedule of Classes, given that it is likely some type of COVID protocol will still be in place. Forty faculty members have accepted the invitation to take advantage of the VSIP; just under half are in L&S. The separation date is July 31st 2020. K. Dolan will chair the search committee to replace retiring Secretary of the University and Distinguished Professor of Anthropology Trudy Turner.
ASC Chair K. Esguerra reported that the ASC has met or will be meeting with all nine of the 2030 subgroup co-leads to discuss the restructuring plans. There is support in the ASC for the need for changes but concern was expressed that these may not happen quickly enough to be effective. Issues have arisen regarding position-specific furloughs, with employees not being given adequate notice and consecutive furloughs being imposed without sufficient notification, effectively a layoff without protections or access to benefits.
In Members’ Reports J. Snethen reported on the APBC, where final numbers of reductions to budgets of schools and colleges were presented; they range from 0.6% to 7.4%. J. Reisel reported that the Policy Advisory Committee met and passed a revised version of the current COVID policy which will now go to the Senate.
UC members discussed the ongoing review of campus-wide governance committees to determine where there may be duplication of effort between administrative and governance committees. If a governance committee already exists administration should be encouraged to make use of it rather than creating a parallel committee structure made up of appointed rather than elected faculty or administrators. The review and discussion will be continued at the next meeting on January 12, at which the Chancellor will also be present.