J. Reisel chaired the meeting in the absence of K. Dolan.
Provost Britz reported that returning freshman numbers are down for spring 2021 by about 7% so outreach efforts will be stepped up for the next few weeks in an effort to ensure those students return in January. Fall numbers look positive but the actual yield is still unclear. The Common App and waiving application fees has increased the numbers of Minnesota and international student applications. 2030 Planning Group meetings with deans and programs are continuing. Budget numbers for academic units will be finalized by the end of the week; final numbers will be provided at the APBC meeting on Thursday December 17. The January 2% salary increase is projected to go through. Furloughs could continue into 2021-22 but the hope is that this will not be necessary; a final decision has not yet been made. Spring break may coincide with the distribution of vaccine for educators in the state; campus is going ahead with a break in March as planned. The Board of Regents will be submitting a pay plan to the Legislature for the next biennium that includes a 2%/2.5% raise for UW System but how much of that will be in the final budget is unclear.
K. Dolan reported that the Space Utilization Planning Committee had their first meeting to discuss a six-month project re: consolidation/repurposing of unused space on campus with the goal of reducing costs going forward. A question was raised during the UC meeting about why governance committees are not better integrated into discussions by administrative committees responsible for similar tasks. There is concern that administrative units appear to be sidelining some important governance units with the same remits. The Scenario Planning Group met to discuss fall planning.
In Members’ Reports J. Reisel reported that the Instructional and Research Academic Staff Review Committee has received no cases for consideration yet this year. Documents were revised to be more gender inclusive at the last meeting. The Honors College Advisory Committee meeting report suggests that the program is in good shape numbers-wise with 700+ students. There has been a decrease in the number of students dropping out because they are not able to maintain the required GPA. N. Rothfels attended the Affirmative Action and Faculty Employment Committee; a report of faculty and academic staff diversity at UWM will be sent to the Senate next semester..
ASC Chair Kyla Esguerra will attend the December 22, 2020 meeting.