Provost Britz and Associate Vice Chancellor D. Venugopalan consulted the UC about anticipated School and College realignment in the 2030 implementation plan that could require changes to P&P 2.01 and 4.01. The discussion focused on whether to maintain the distinction between Colleges and Schools, neither of which is explicitly defined in P&P. The suggestion was to make changes to the organizational structure before making adjustments to P&P. Provost Britz reported that the ongoing attempts by UW System to coordinate online programs through UW Extension has been challenged by UWM as well as UW Oshkosh, Superior and Stout. The campuses sent a joint letter to the BOR, which meets Friday to discuss this issue, requesting that it not be voted on until all affected campuses have had a chance to make their objections heard. UWM workload policy revisions are another issue currently being discussed; existing policies are not well designed, implemented or fair and don’t reflect actual effort as currently defined. Teaching load is not the only metric that should be used but there needs to be a way to apply the policy in an equitable way across an increasingly diverse campus. N. Rothfels suggested that the formula used by departments such as Physics could be used as a model for how to assess contributions in areas apart from teaching load.
There were no Chairperson’s or Members’ Reports.
Chancellor Mone will attend the April 13 meeting.