RHC-SSOI 50th Anniversary

We turned 50 In 2020!

Please note the first 10 minutes is an introduction with images from over the last 50 years set to music. Program begins 10 minutes into the video.

Our Golden 50th Anniversary

“Celebrando 50 años de servicio a estudiantes, a sus familias y a la comunidad”

Date of Virtual event was: October 22nd 2020

For 50 years the SSOI/RHC has been a much-needed community resource, and the bilingual and academic support to our students and families. On this golden anniversary, we have a special opportunity to envision and plan for the next fifty years of the RHC and ensure that our center can continue to offer much needed academic services, scholarships, and opportunities for student engagement and success.

Support the RHC!  

Your donation will allow us to continue our path of educational excellence, grow of center’s offerings and help more students graduate from college. To donate, click the link above!

“Valoramos su apoyo”

Miss Our Chapman Hall Takeover Commemoration?

Access the recording on our Facebook page!

Click on the flyer above for a recording of our Chapman Hall Takeover Panel!












Miss Our Chapman Hall Takeover Commemoration?

Access the recording on our Facebook page!