UWM Emergency Grant

University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee’s emergency aid program provides assistance to students at risk of dropping out of college due to unexpected financial emergencies. This assistance was created to help students stay in college and meet their educational goals, ultimately, securing a better financial future.

Students can be awarded up to $1,000 for non-academic expenses (e.g., car repairs, medical bills, rent, utilities, childcare, food, etc.).

Students also can stop by the Dean of Students Office in Union 345 to learn more and apply.

Give to the UWM Forward Scholars Student Emergency Fund (6020).

Please consider making a contribution to the Emergency Fund. Any size contribution is welcome as this is truly a community effort.

To make a contribution go to givetouwm.uwmfdn.org In the Designation box, click “other” and enter “UWM Fund 6020.” All of your contributions will go directly to the student emergency grant.

Concurso: Cuéntame Tu Historia

Objetivo: Promover el conocimiento y la difusión de las condiciones, problemáticas, experiencias y éxitos vividos por las mujeres en las migraciones.

El Instituto Nacional de las Mujeres lanzó la convocatoria del segundo concurso “Mujer Migrante: Cuéntame tu Historia”, dirigido a mujeres mayores de 18 años, mexicanas que han migrado al exterior o extranjeras residentes en México.

El Concurso consiste en relatar por escrito o video una historia de migración y presentar propuestas que contribuyan a la resolución de los problemas a los que se han enfrentado. Para mayor información sobre las bases del concurso, se puede consultar los siguientes vínculos de internet:


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