Core Values
The advisors and staff in Pathway Advising share the Core Values of the Division of Strategic Enrollment Management & Student Success division in our support of students and the greater Milwaukee community.
As a temporary home for new freshman students who are undecided about their college major or who are determined through the admission process to need additional support before transitioning into their chosen major, UWM’s Pathway Advising will assist students in academic exploration and decision-making, leading to a permanent affiliation with one of UWM’s Schools and Colleges by the end of the student’s first year. Students in Pathway Advising are empowered and encouraged to form advising relationships, collaborate with faculty and instructional staff, and utilize support services.
Services for Undecided Students:
Undecided students will benefit from Pathway advisors’ expertise in helping students explore the breadth of UWM’s 90+ Bachelor’s Degree-granting majors. We work with students to choose a pathway that fits their interests and career goals, and support students through their initial semesters of work to assure that the classes they take will satisfy requirements of whatever major they ultimately select.
Services for Students Preparing for a Chosen Major:
UWM’s Office of Undergraduate Admissions places students into Pathway Advising when their application materials suggest they would benefit from additional support in their initial semesters before transitioning into their chosen major. As these students aren’t yet aligned with their major, we utilize our pathway curriculum to assure that the student is taking coursework to satisfy requirements of the program they intend to complete even before acceptance into their permanent School or College. Advising for these students focuses on building academic skills and developing a network of coordinated care on campus.
Pathway Advising aims to be the preferred route of entry into academic majors at UW-Milwaukee. By tracking student outcomes and continual assessment of our services, and through close collaboration with other student service providers and academic areas, we will provide the expertise and support that helps student successfully navigate their way to a chosen major and, ultimately, a college degree. We intend to demonstrate that students do better in their School/College major when they begin college in Pathway Advising.