Examine and attempt to clarify your interests, values, and abilities as you define your educational goals and develop your educational plan.
Be willing to share what you discover. This does not mean all of your questions or ideas must be perfectly formulated. We understand that this is an ongoing process.
Develop an educational plan, including long-term and short-term goals, that takes into account your interests, values, and abilities while ensuring timely academic progress towards your UWM degree.
Attend every class session. If you need to miss a class, you should contact your instructor beforehand to inform them of your absence. In the event of an emergency you should contact your instructor(s) as soon as possible.
Take primary and increasing responsibility for your academic decisions. This means that if you skip a class or register for courses late, you must accept the outcomes of your decisions.
Meet with your Pathway advisor at least twice every semester. There are many ways to accomplish this – we can meet in-person, over the phone, or through online methods.
Check your UWM email at least once per day and respond professionally from your email account.
View your PAWS account regularly for any holds, financial obligations, or to-do items.
What You Can Expect From Your Pathway Advisor
I will provide you with my best possible service.
I will be reasonably and predictably accessible to you via multiple channels of communication and will respond to your messages within two to three business days.
I will be your first point of contact for any questions you have but do not know whom to ask.
I will create a reflective, supportive, and safe environment for you to communicate, think aloud, and explore academic ideas.
I will focus my questioning and inquiry on refining and improving your learning both about yourself and your opportunities at UWM, while respecting who you are and where you come from.
I will stay current with UWM degree requirements, academic programs and policies, and campus resources, and make useful referrals to other departments and offices as necessary.
I will support the final decisions you make about your higher education even if those decisions are at odds with my professional opinion or judgement.
I will advocate for your best interests within the boundaries of federal, university, and departmental policies.