The Well-Being, Identity, Social Support, and Education in Middle School (WISE) Project

Community Engagement & Professions (College of) / Education (School of) / Educational Psychology


This study examines factors that shape the lives of middle school students, particularly focusing on school belonging, social support, and ethnic-racial identity development during adolescence, recognizing the pivotal role of the school environment in shaping students' identity. By investigating these relationships, the project aims to contribute to a deeper understanding of well-being and identity development during the transition from childhood to adolescence, thereby bridging a critical gap in understanding within middle school education.

Tasks and Responsibilities

Students will be engaged in all aspects of the project, including data collection and preparation, analysis, and preparing findings for distribution and dissemination. Students can expect to work with both faculty and a doctoral student throughout the course of the project. Upon completion, students may be invited to participate in related projects within the field of education.

Desired Qualifications