
Finding Success with an NIH R01

September 21, 2017 • AASCU – Grants Resource Center

Karen Briski, professor at the University of Louisiana Monroe, is her university’s first ever recipient of a five-year, $1.7 million Research Project Grant (Parent R01) from the National Institutes of Health. During this webinar, Dr. Briski will discuss her grant, awarded through the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, and how it may one day contribute great insight on how the medical community will treat Type-1 diabetes. She will also provide insight on her experiences and best practices with trying to obtain an R01 award.


If you have any more questions about her project, please email briski@ulm.edu.

Overview of Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN)

September 19, 2017 • AASCU – Grants Resource Center

The U.S. Department of Education’s GAANN program offers a way for colleges and universities to provide fellowships to graduate students who plan to pursue the highest degree available in their course study in a field of national need. GAANN Program Lead Rebecca Ell will present the key program guidelines and resources, offer tips for applying, provide examples of successful projects, and answer attendee questions about the program.


Environmental Education Funding in New Administration

August 29, 2017 • Environmental Protection Agency Office of Environmental Education (OEE)

EPA’s Office of Environmental Education (OEE) has awarded over 3700 grants over the last 25 years to various organizations, including colleges and universities, to educate citizens of the U.S. and its territories about environmental issues and what people can do about them. In the coming year, OEE anticipates issuing a new request for proposals, and this webinar presentation will focus on what factors EPA considers when evaluating and selecting proposals to fund.


Using the Humanities to the Explore the Military Experience

August 22, 2017 • ECSU-Sponsored Programs, Contracts, & Grants

The National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) offers unique opportunities for colleges and universities to use the humanities to explore the military experience and to engage with their military and local communities. Program Officer Victoria Sams will discuss NEH’s Dialogues on the Experience of War program and other NEH opportunities. She will be joined by awardees from two GRC institutions, Governors State University and Appalachian State University, who will speak about their projects and the process of putting together their funded proposals.


  • Victoria Sams, Program Officer, NEH
  • Andrae Marak, Dean, College of Arts and Sciences, Governors State University (Ill.)
  • Rosemary Johnsen, Professor, Governors State University (Ill.)
  • Appalachian State University (N.C.) — speakers TBD

Handouts and slides:

NSF Fundamentals Workshop

August 9, 2017 • NCURA 59th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C.

This workshop provides a primary basis of understanding of proposals to and awards from the National Science Foundation (NSF).

The program is perfect for someone new to research administration, as well as for research administrators seeking to expand their knowledge of federal funding agencies. The curriculum provides an overview of the policies and procedures essential to preparing successful proposals to and managing grant awards from NSF.

Major content areas covered include:

  • NSF overall structure, culture, and organization.
  • Developing NSF proposals.
  • The merit review process.
  • Post-award administration.
  • Tips and tricks.