Michele Polfuss

Michele Polfuss, PhD, RN, CPNP-AC/PC, FAAN

  • Professor
  • Joint Research Chair in the Nursing of Children

Dr. Polfuss joined the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Nursing as an assistant professor in 2013. Her research has focused on pediatric obesity and its related comorbidities with a special focus on children who have developmental disabilities and the role of the family through parenting and feeding behaviors. She is a certified pediatric nurse practitioner both in acute and primary care.  Previous clinical experience includes working in pediatrics within the subspecialties of obesity, endocrinology, and cardiology.

Dr. Polfuss is an active member of the International Family Nurses Association, Midwest Nursing Research Society, Spina Bifida Association, and the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners (NAPNAP) within the Childhood Obesity Special Interest Group. Through her position, Dr. Polfuss splits her time between our University of Wisconsin – School of Nursing and Children’s Wisconsin Nursing Research and Evidence-Based Practice Department.

Dr. Polfuss was inducted as a fellow of the American Academy of Nursing at the academy’s annual Health Policy Conference in October 2022.


Ph.D. Marquette University
MSN Pediatric Nursing Marquette University Milwaukee, Wisconsin
BSN Nursing University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh, Oshkosh, Wisconsin

Awards & Honors

Distinguished Research Abstract, The Lasting Impact of the Transplant Experience from the Perspective of the Well Sibling: An Unheard Voice, (2024, January), Midwest Nursing Research Society

Sheryl Kelber Research Award (2023, April), Eta Nu Chapter, Sigma Theta Tau

Midwest Nursing Research Society Senior Scientist Award (2022, April), Family Section Research and Implementation Group, Midwest Nursing Research Society

Excellence in Nursing Award, Nursing Research (2020, December) Milwaukee Magazine and Wisconsin Nurses Association.

The DAISY Award for Extraordinary Nursing Faculty (2019, May) The DAISY Foundation.

Julie Lathrop Nursing Research Award (2018, April) Children's Hospital of Wisconsin.

Midwest Nursing Research Society New Investigator Award (2018, April) MNRS Family Section RIG.

Midwest Nursing Research Society Dissertation Award (2012, April) Midwest Nursing Research Society.

Spina Bifida Association Young Investigator Award (2012, January) Spina Bifida Association.

Advanced Practice Nurse Excellence Award (2010, May) Children's Hospital of Wisconsin.

University of Wisconsin Oshkosh Young Alumni of the Year (2008, September) University of Wisconsin - Oshkosh.

Current Research - Actively Recruiting

Energy Expenditure and Weight-Related Behaviors in Youth with Down Syndrome - Participant Flyer

Body Composition and Energy Expenditure in Youth with Spina Bifida - Participant Flyer

Contracts & Grants (Current)

Energy Expenditure and Weight-Related Behaviors in Youth with Down Syndrome. National Institutes of Health/Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Investigation of Co-occurring conditions across the Lifespan to Understand Down Syndrome (INCLUDE). 3R01HD096085-02S1.  Role: PI

Body Composition and Energy Expenditure in Youth with Spina Bifida, National Institutes of Health/Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (R01HD096085). Role: PI

Research Approaches to Improving the Care and Outcomes of People Living with Spina Bifida in Wisconsin: The National Spina Bifida Patient Registry.  US Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (U01DD001240-01). Role: Co-I

Wisconsin Leadership Education in Neurodevelopmental and Related Disabilities (LEND): Milwaukee Link. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, Maternal and Child Health Bureau.Subcontract. Role: Discipline Mentor

Contracts & Grants (Completed)

Spurr, S., Danford, C., et al. IFNA Global Family Nursing Initiative of the International Family Nursing Association and Minnesota State University, Mankato Glen Taylor Nurins Institute for Family and Society Partnership. Role: Co-I

The Influence of Non-Caloric Artificial Sweeteners on the Metabolome, Body Composition, and Glycemic Control in Pediatric Type 1 Diabetes Patients
Clinical and Translational Science Institute Pilot Award Program: Medical College of Wisconsin Projected Project (UL1TR001436). Role: Co-PI.

Pediatric SM-THINK (Self-Management Transition to Home Intervention): Nursing Interventions to Improve Discharge Outcomes
Clinical and Translational Science Institute

Accurate Identification of Body Fat in Children with Spina Bifida: A Feasibility Study
UWM Office of Research: Research and Creative Activities Support (RACAS)

Measuring Energy Intake in Children with Spina Bifida and Down Syndrome
Clinical and Translational Science Award of the National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences

Southeastern Wisconsin Enhancing Regional Technology Commercialization,– NSF I-Corps Supplement. Role: Key Personnel

Weight-Related Self-Management in Children with Special Health Care Needs
National Institutes of Nursing Research (P20 NR 015339-01). Role Pilot Project PI

Measuring Energy Expenditure in Children with Spina Bifida
CTSI of Southeastern Wisconsin (UL1TR000055). Role: PI

Measuring Body Composition in Children with Spina Bifida: A Pilot Study
Spina Bifida Association Role: PI

Measuring Body Composition in Children with Spina Bifida: A Pilot Study
Society of Pediatric Nurses Role: PI

Healthy Families:  Assessing the Relationship Between Parenting Behaviors and a Child’s Weight Status. Pediatric Nursing Research Consortium Development. Role: PI

Intellectual Contributions

Polfuss M, Bandini LG, Ravelli MN, Huang Z, Moosreiner A, Schoeller DA, Huang C-C, Ding D, Berry C, Marston E, Hussain A, Shriver TC and Sawin KJ (2023) Energy expenditure and weight-related behaviors in youth with Down syndrome: a protocol. Front. Pediatr. 11:1151797. doi: 10.3389/fped.2023.1151797

Forseth, B., Hauff, C., Babbar, S., Polfuss, M., Examining Motivation to Participate in Yoga Through an Exercise Lens. (2023). Journal of Sports Behavior, 46 (4), 18-28.

Bauer WS, Schiffman RF, Ellis JL, Erickson JM, Polfuss M, Taani MH, Sawin KJ. An Integrative Review of the Use of the Individual and Family Self-Management Theory in Research. ANS Adv Nurs Sci. 2023 Oct 13. doi: 10.1097/ANS.0000000000000512. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37847196.

Polfuss, M., Mooney-Doyle, K., Keller, M., Gralton, K., Giambra, B., Vance, A., (2023). Developing a Family Resource: Considerations for Family Member Research Participation, Journal of Family Nursing. 10748407231157433. doi:10.1177/10748407231157433

Spurr, S., Danford, C.A., Roberts, K.J., Sheppard-LeMoine, D., Machado Silva-Rodrigues, F., Darezzo Rodrigues Nunes, M., Darmofal, L., Ersig, A.L., Foster, M., Giambra, B., Lerret, S., Polfuss, M., Smith, L., Somadahan, S. Fathers’ Experiences of Caring for a Child with a Chronic Illness: A Systematic Review. Children 2023, 10, x. https://doi.org/10.3390/

Polfuss, M., Liu, T., Smith, K., Murphy, P.S., Ward, E., Thibadeau, J., Dosa, N.P., Wang, Y., Sawin, K.J., (2022). Weight Status of Children Participating in the National Spina Bifida Patient Registry, Pediatrics, published online 11/23/22 (doi: 10/1542/2022-057007)

Helsel, B.C., Shook, R., Forseth, B., Dreyer Gillette, M.L, Polfuss, M., Miller, B., Posson, P., Steele, R. Ptomey, L.R. (2022). Resting Energy Expenditure in Adolescents with Down Syndrome: A Comparison of Commonly used Predictive Equations. Journal of Intellectual Development and Disability.

Roberts, K.J., Polfuss, M. (2022). Weight Stigma in Children and Adolescents: An Overview and Recommendations for Practice and Policy. Nursing 2022.

Forseth, B, Polfuss, M., Brondino, M., Hunter, SD, Lawlor, MW, Beatka, MJ, Prom, MJ, Eells, J, Lyons, JA (2022). Adherence to and Changes in Mental and Physiological Health During an 8-Week Yoga Intervention: A Pilot Study. Journal of Bodywork and Movement Therapies. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jbmt.2022.01.004

Klingbeil, C. G., Gibson, C., Johnson, N. L., Polfuss, M., Gralton, K., & Lerret, S. M. (2022). Nurses' experiences implementing ePED: An iPad application to guide quality discharge teaching. Computers, Informatics, Nursing, 40(12), 848-855. doi:10.1097/cin.0000000000000868

Marston, E., Cho, C. C., Pridham, K., McPherson, A. C., & Polfuss, M. (2022). Parenting styles and dimensions in parents of children with developmental disabilities. Research in Nursing and Health. 45(5), 592–603. https://doi.org/10.1002/nur.22250  https://doi.wiley.com/10.1002/nur.22250

Johnson, N., Lerret, S., Polfuss, M., Gralton, K., Gibson, C., Ahamed, S.I., Riddhiman, A., White-Traut, R., Brown, R., Sawin, K. (2022). One size does not fit all: Discharge teaching and child challenging behaviors, Western Journal of Nursing Research. Doi: 10.1177/01939459211018829

Erickson, J. Polfuss, M. UWM Self-Management Science Center (2021). Self-Management Perspective: A Response to Fawcett’s 2020 Essay, Letter to the Editor, Nursing Science Quarterly 1-2, DOI: 10.1177/0894318420987182

Roberts, K. J., Polfuss, M. J., Marston, E. C., & Davis, R. L. (2021). Experiences of weight stigma in adolescents with severe obesity and their families [Poster abstract]. Obesity, 29(Suppl. 2), 96-97. doi:https://doi.org/10.1002/oby.23329

Polfuss, M., Forseth, B., Schoeller, D. A., Huang, C. C., Moosreiner, A., Papanek, P. E., Sawin, K. J., Zvara, K., & Bandini, L. (2021). Accuracy of body mass index in categorizing weight status in children with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine, 14(4), 621-629. doi:10.3233/prm-200727

Roberts, K. J., Polfuss, M. J., Marston, E., & Davis, R. L. (2021). Experiences of weight stigma in adolescents with severe obesity and their families. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 77(10), 4184-4194. doi:10.1111/jan.15012

Polfuss, M., Marston, E., Pridham, K., Brown, R., & McPherson, A. C. (2021). Relationship between stress and feeding behaviors in parents of children with developmental disabilities. Childhood Obesity, 17(7), 457-466. doi:10.1089/chi.2020.0356

Moosreiner, A., Polfuss, M., & Forseth, B. (2021). Quality of dietary intake in children with developmental disabilities: A pilot study. WMJ, 120(3), 195-199.

Forseth, B., Polfuss, M., Brondino, M., Lawlor, M. W., Beatka, M. J., Prom, M. J., Eells, J., & Lyons, J. A. (2021). Association between yoga, physiologic and psychologic health: A cross sectional study. Complementary Therapies in Clinical Practice, 43, 101350. doi:10.1016/j.ctcp.2021.101350

Erickson, J. M., & Polfuss, M. (2021). Self-management and patient-centered care: A response to Fawcett's 2020 essay. Nursing Science Quarterly, 34(2), 217-218. doi:10.1177/08943(2021).

Guideline Development Panel for Treatment of Obesity, American Psychological Association. (2020). Summary of the clinical practice guideline for multicomponent behavioral treatment of obesity and overweight in children and adolescents. American Psychologist, 75(2), 178-188, https://doi.org/10.1037/amp0000530

Polfuss, M., Duderstadt, KG, Kilanowski, JF, Thompson, ME, Davis, RL, Quinn, M. (2020). Childhood Obesity: Evidence-Based Guidelines for Clinical Practice – Part One. Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 34(3), 283-290 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.pedhc.2019.12.003

Lerret, S., Johnson, N., Polfuss, M., Weiss, M., Gralton, Klingbeil, Gibson, C. Garnier-Vilarreal, Ahamed, I., Riddhiman, A., Pawela, L., Unteutsch, R. White-Traut, R, Sawin, K. (2020). Using the Engaging Parents in Education for Discharge (ePED) iPad Application to Improve Parent Discharge Experience. Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 52, 41-48. DOI: https://doi,org/10.1016/j.pedn.2020.02.041

Johnson, N., Lerret, S., Klingbeil, C., Polfuss, M., Gibson, C., Gralton, K., Garnier-Villarreal, M., Ahamed, SI, Riddihiman, A., Unteutsch, R., Wawela, L., White-Traut, R., Sawin, K., Weiss, M. Engaging Parents in Education for Discharge (ePED): Evaluating the Reach, Adoption and Implementation of an Innovative Discharge Teaching Method, Journal of Pediatric Nursing, 2020 Sep-Oct; 54:42-49. DOI: 10.1016/j.pedn.2020.05.022.Epub 2020 Jun 9. PMID: 32531681.

Davis, R., Quinn, M., Thompson, M., Kilanowski, J., Polfuss, M., Duderstadt, K. (2020) Childhood Obesity: Evidence-based Guidelines for Clinical Practice- Part Two, Journal of Pediatric Health Care, 35(1), 120-131. DOI: https//doi.org/10.1016/j.pedhc.2020.07.011.Epb2020 Sep 23

Roddy, L. (Ph.D. student), & Polfuss, M(2020 ). Employing design thinking methods in nursing to improve patient outcomes. Nursing Forum, 55(4), 553-558. doi:10.1111/nuf.12461

Polfuss, M, Davis, R. (2019). Physical Activity and Sports for Children and Adolescents. Burns, et al. Pediatric Primary Care (7th ed.). Updated chapter.

Forseth, B., Papanek, P. E., Bandini, L., Schoeller, D., Moosereiner, A., Sawin, Kathleen J., Zvara, K., Fendrich, Michael, and Polfuss, Michele. “Feasibility and acceptability of a self-report activity diary in families of children with and without special needs.” Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing 42.4 (2019): 293-303.

Polfuss, M., Dobson, C., Sawin, Kathleen J., and Klingbeil, C. G. “The influence of a developmental disability on the child's weight-related behaviors: A parent's perspective.” Journal of Pediatric Nursing 47. (2019): 121-130.

Trudeau, B.,Bobby, Trudea, C.,Cameron, Polfuss, M.Michele L., and Sullivan-Bolyai, Susan. “A developmental milestones map of Type 1 diabetes self-management transition from parents to adolescents.” Diabetes Spectrum 32.1 (2019): 21-29.

Polfuss, M.ichele, Moosreiner, A.ndrea, Boushey, C.J.arol J., Delp, E.J.dward J., and Zhu, Fengqing. “Technology-based dietary assessment in youth with and without developmental disabilities.” Nutrients 10.Art. no. 1482 (2018).

Polfuss, M.ichele, Sawin, K.athleen J., Papanek, P E., Bandini, L, Forseth, B, Moosreiner, A, Svara, K, and Schoeller, D A. “Total energy expenditure and body composition of children with developmental disabilities.” Disability & Health Journal 11.3 (2018): 442-446.

Polfuss, M., Bandini, L. G., and Sawin, K.athleen J. “Obesity prevention for individuals with spina bifida.” Current Obesity Reports 6. (2017): 116-126.

Polfuss, M, Simpson, P., Neff Greenley, R., Zhang, L., and Sawin, K.athleen J. “Parental feeding behaviors and weight-related concerns in children with special needs.” Western Journal of Nursing Research 39.8 (2017): 1070-1093.

Polfuss, Mi.chele, Simpson, P., Stolzman, S., Moerchen, V., Hovis, S., Zhang, L., Miranda, H., and Sawin, K.athleen J. “The measurement of body composition in children with spina bifida: Feasibility and preliminary findings.” Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 9.2 (2016): 143-153.

Polfuss, Mi., Simpson, P., Stolzman, S., Moerchen, V., Hovis, S., Zhang, L., Miranda, H., and Sawin, K.J. “The measurement of body composition in children with spina bifida: Feasibility and preliminary findings.” Journal of Pediatric Rehabilitation Medicine 9.2 (2016): 143-153.

Polfuss, M, Duderstadt, K, Fookson, M. and Blosser, C. (2016). Physical Activity and Sports for Children and Adolescents. Burns, et al. Pediatric Primary Care (6th ed). Updated chapter.

Polfuss, M., Papanek, P., Meyer-Wentland, F., Moosreiner, A., Wilkas, Lenore R., and Sawin, K.J. “Body composition measurement in children with cerebral palsy, spina bifida and spinal cord injury: A systematic review of the literature.” Comprehensive Child and Adolescent Nursing 3.3 (2016): 166-191.

Polfuss, M., Johnson, N., Bonis, Susan A., Hovis, S. L., Apollon, F., and Sawin, K. J. “Autism spectrum disorder and the child's weight-related behaviors: A parents' perspective.” Journal of Pediatric Nursing 31.6 (2016): 598-607.

Polfuss, M., Babler, E., Bush, L. L., and Sawin, K. “Family perspectives of components of a diabetes transition program.” Journal of Pediatric Nursing 30.5 (2015): 748-756.

Chelvakumar, G., Levin, L., Polfuss, M., Hovis, S., Donohoue, P., and Kotowski, A. “Perception and documentation of weight management practices in pediatric primary care.” WMJ 113.4 (2014): 149-153; quiz 154.

Levin, L., Kichler, J. C., and Polfuss, M.. “The relationship between hemoglobin A1C in youth with Type 1 diabetes and chaos in the family household.” The Diabetes Educator 39.5 (2013): 696-704.

Polfuss, M., and Duderstadt, K. Childhood obesity: Where are we now?. 4.5 Infant, Children, and Adolescent Nutrition, 2012: 262-263.

Polfuss, M., and Frenn, M. “Parenting and feeding behaviors associated with school-aged African American and Caucasian 9-15 year old youths.” Western Journal of Nursing Research 34.5 (2012): 677-696.

Polfuss, M., and Frenn, M. “Parenting behaviors of African American and Caucasian families: Parent and child perceptions, associations with child weight and ability to identify abnormal weight status.” Journal of Pediatric Nursing 27.3 (2012): 195-213.

Michalsky, M., Kramer, R. E., Fullmer, M. A., Polfuss, M., Porter, R., Ward-Begnoche, W., Getzoff, E. A., Dreyer, M., Stolzman, S., and Reichard, K. W. “Developing criteria for pediatric/adolescent bariatric surgery programs.” Pediatrics 128.Suppl. 2 (2011): S65-S70.

Polfuss, M., Liebhart, J., and Neff, R. “Relationship between overweight/obesity and risk-taking behaviors in adolescents.” The American Journal for Nurse Practitioners 15.1/2 (2011): 10-24.

Presentations (Selected)

Polfuss, M., McAndrew, N., Knoebl, R., Vang, M., Kenney, A., and Lerret, S. (2024). The Lasting Impact of the Transplant Experience from the Perspective of the Well Sibling:  An Unheard Voice. [Oral Presentation] 2024 Midwest Nursing Research Society Conference, Minneapolis, MN, 03/02/2024  **Selected as Distinguished Abstract award recipient, paper scored in the top 3 out of 201 abstract submissions.

Polfuss, M., Whelan, J., Crytzer, T., Tudor, J. (2024) Exploring Weight Management in Spina Bifida, Spina Bifida Association National Webinar, 01/25/2024 

Polfuss, M. [Invited Panelist]. Wis Politics.com DC Breakfast with U.S. Rep. Mark Pocan. Washington DC. 03/30/23.

Polfuss, M., Liu, T., Smith, K., Murphy, P. S., Ward, E., Thibadeau, J., Dosa, N., Wang, Y., Sawin, K. J.. [Oral Presentation] Weight Status of Children Participating in the National Spina Bifida Patient Registry. 2023 World Congress on Spina Bifida Research and Care, Tucson, AZ. 03/23/23

Polfuss, M., Bandini, L. G., Caudill, C., Dicianno, B., Ding, D., Famuyiwa, S., Hopson, B., Houtrow, A., Huang, C. C., Huang, Z., Izzo, S., Jarvis, J., Marston, E., Moore, S., Moosreiner, A., Ravelli, M. N., Rocque, B., Sawin, K. J., Schoeller, D., Shriver, T., Smith, K., Van Speybroeck, A., White-Traut, R. (2023, March). Body Composition and Energy Expenditure in Youth with Spina Bifida. [Poster presentation] 2023 World Congress on Spina Bifida Research and Care, Tucson, AZ, USA. 03/23/23 

Polfuss, M., (2022). Energy Expenditure and Weight-Related Behaviors in Youth with Down Syndrome. [Invited Oral Presentation]. NIH INCLUDE (Investigation of Co-occurring conditions across the Lifespan to Understand Down syndromE). Panel E: Beyond molecules: impacts of lifestyle, environment, and diet. 10/12/22

Polfuss, M., Marston, E., Pridham, K., Brown, R., McPherson, A.C. (2022). The Relationship of Family Stress and Feeding Practices in Parents of Children with Developmental Disabilities. [Poster Discussion]. 46th Annual Midwest Nursing Research Society. April 1, 2022.

Polfuss, M. (2021). Pandemic Challenges & Pivots for Research [Oral presentation]. American Association of Nurses Council for Advancing Nursing Science (CANS) Mid-Career SIG Webinar (Invited). December 1, 2021.

Roberts, K.J., Polfuss, M., Marston, E., Davis, R., (2021). Experiences of Weight Stigma in Adolescents with Severe Obesity and Their Families [Poster presentation] ObesityWeek® Where science and treatment meet. The Obesity Society, November 3, 2021.

Johnson, N., Lerret, S., Polfuss, M. Discharge Teaching Using an Innovative iPad Application for Parents of Children with Challenging Behaviors: One Size Does Not Fit All, 15th International Family Nursing Association Conference, June 26, 2021

Vance, A., Polfuss, M., Mooney, K.M., Keller, M., Gralton, K., Giambra, B. The Development of a Family-Focused Research Pamphlet, 15th International Family Nursing Association Conference, June 30, 2021

Polfuss, M., Marston, E., Pridham, K., Brown, R., McPherson, A. The Relationship of Family Stress and Feeding Practices in Parents of Children with Developmental Disabilities, 15th International Family Nursing Association Conference, June 30, 2021

Polfuss, M. Forseth, B., Schoeller, D., Huang, CC, Moosreiner, A., Papanek, P., Sawin, K., Zvara, K, Bandini, L. Accuracy of Body Mass Index in Categorizing Weight Status in Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities [Poster presentation], Team Science: Advancing Culturally Responsive Research to Improve Health Outcomes, 45 Annual Research Conference, Midwest Nursing Research Society. March 25, 2021 https://mnrs.societyconference.com/

Polfuss, M. Forseth, B., Schoeller, D., Huang, CC, Moosreiner, A., Papanek, P., Sawin, K., Zvara, K, Bandini, L. Accuracy of Body Mass Index in Categorizing Weight Status in Children with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities [Poster presentation], Team Science: Advancing Culturally Responsive Research to Improve Health Outcomes, 45 Annual Research Conference, Midwest Nursing Research Society. March 25, 2021 https://mnrs.societyconference.com/

Polfuss, M., Body Composition in Children with Special Needs (Radio Interview), WUWM Today Radio, February 2020.

Polfuss, M. Development of a Family Resource for Participation in Research, Children’s National 2nd Family Research Workshop – Focus on Intervention, National Teleconference, June 2020

Polfuss, M. and Marston, E. Child and Family Influences on Weight Management. Down Syndrome Clinic Conference – Fall 2020 (Virtual), November 2020

Lerret, S., Johnson, N., Polfuss, M. (2019). Pediatric SM-Think (Self-Management Transition to Home Intervention): Nursing Intervention to Improve Hospital Discharge Outcomes, MCW Research Seminar, Milwaukee, WI, November 2019

Polfuss, Michele. “Energy Expenditure and Caloric Implications in Down Syndrome and Spina Bifida.” Obesity Society Obesity Week. Las Vegas, Nevada. November 2019.

Polfuss, Michele. “Engaging Parents in Education for Discharge Using an iPad Application.” 14th International Family Nursing Conference. Washington, D.C.. August 2019.

Polfuss, Michele. “The Impact of a Developmental Disability on the Child's Weight-Related Behaviors: A Parent's Perspective.” 14th International Family Nursing Conference. . August 2019.

Polfuss, Michele. “Parent Perceptions of Child Physical Activity in Children with Special Needs: A Pilot Study.” American College of Sports Medicine. Minneapolis, MN. May 2019.

Polfuss, Michele. “Sedentary Behavior Bout Comparisons Between Children with and without Special Needs.” Healthy Weight Research Network Symposium. Boston, MA. April 2019.

Polfuss, Michele. “The Impact of a Developmental Disability on the Child's Weight-Related Behaviors: A Parent's Perspective.” Midwest Nursing Research Society. Kansas City, MO. March 2019.

Polfuss, Michele. “Engaging Parents in Education for Discharge.” Midwest Nursing Research Society. Kansas City, MO. March 2019.

Polfuss, Michele. “Evaluating Nurse Fidelity in Using the 'Engaging Parents in education fo Discharge iPad-Based Intervention at a Pediatric Hospital.” Midwest Nursing Research Society. Kansas City, MO. March 2019.

Polfuss, Michele. “The Impact of a Developmental Disability on the Child's Weight-Related Behaviors: A Parent's Perspective.” AOTA Specialty Conference, Children and Youth. Milwaukee, WI. September 2018.

Polfuss, Michele. “Feasibility and Examination of Two Dietary Assessment Methods in Children with Special Needs.” International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity. Hong, Kong. June 2018.

Polfuss, Michele. “Feasibility and Examination of Two Dietary Assessment Methods in Children with Special Needs.” . Washington, D.C.. May 2018.

Polfuss, Michele. “The Relationship of Parenting Styles and Obesity in Children with Special Needs.” UW Milwaukee Undergraduate Research Symposium. Milwaukee, WI. April 2018.

Polfuss, Michele. “Feasibility and Examination of Two Dietary Assessment Methods in Children with Special Needs.” Midwest Nursing Research Society. Cleveland, OH. April 2018.

Polfuss, Michele. “Pediatric SM-THINk (Self-Management Transition to Home INtervention.” Midwest Nursing Research Society. Cleveland, OH. April 2018.

Polfuss, Michele. “Obesity in Children with Special Needs.” . WUWM Today Radio. January 2018.

Polfuss, Michele. “A Day in the Life: An Adolescent's Advice on Self-Management of Type 1 Diabetes.” 13th International Family Nursing Conference. Pamplona, Spain. June 2017.

Polfuss, Michele. “Obesity and Autism Spectrum Disorder: Challenges and Strategies Identified by Family Caregivers.” 13th International Family Nursing Conference. Pamplona, Spain. June 2017.

Polfuss, Michele. “The Implication of Total Energy Expenditure on Nutritional Guidance in Children with Special Needs.” 13th International Family Nursing Conference. Pamplona, Spain. June 2017.

Polfuss, Michele. “A Day in the Life: An Adolescents' Advice on Self--Management of Type 1 Diabetes.” 13th International Family Nursing Conference. Pamplona, Spain. June 2017.

Alba, Julia, and Polfuss, Michele. “Consistency of Weight and Height Measurement in Clinics from the National Spina Bifida Patient Registry.” Third World Congress on Spina Bifida Research and Care. San Diego, CA. March 2017.

Polfuss, Michele. “Parental Feeding Behaviors and Weight-Related Concerns in Children with Special Needs.” Third World Congress on Spina Bifida Research and Care. San Diego, CA. March 2017.

Polfuss, Michele. “The Implication of Total Energy Expenditure on Nutritional Guidance in Children with Special Needs.” Third World Congress on Spina Bifida Research and Care. San Diego, CA. March 2017.

Polfuss, Michele. “Measuring Energy Expenditure in Children with Special Needs.” CTSI Milwaukee Regional Research Forum. Milwaukee, WI. October 2016.

Polfuss, Michele. “Total Energy Expenditure and Relationship to Fat Free Mass in Children with Special Needs.” Council for Advancing Nursing Science Annual Conference. Washington, DC. September 2016.

Polfuss, Michele. “P20 Pilot Project 1: Weight-Related Self-Management in Children with Special Health Care Needs (Poster).” National Institute of Nursing Research Scientific Symposium. Washington, DC. September 2016.

Polfuss, Michele. “Weight-Related Self-Management in Children with Special Health Care Needs.” 2016 NIH Center Director's Meeting. Washington, DC. May 2016.

Polfuss, Michele. “Weight-Related Self-Management in Children with Special Health Care Needs.” Grand Rounds Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Research. Milwaukee, WI. April 2016.

Polfuss, Michele. “Weight-Related Self-Management in Children with Special Health Care Needs.” MNRS Annual Conference. Milwaukee, WI. March 2016.

Polfuss, Michele. “Measuring Energy Expenditure in Children with Spina Bifida and Down Syndrome: A Feasibility Study.” CTSI Milwaukee Regional Research Forum. Milwaukee, WI. October 2015.

Polfuss, Michele. “Family Perspectives of a Diabetes Transition Program.” Council for Advancing Nursing Science Annual Conference. Washington, DC. September 2015.

Polfuss, Michele. “Family Perspectives of a Diabetes Transition Program.” 12th International Family Nursing Conference. Odense, Denmark. August 2015.

Polfuss, Michele. “Famiy Acceptance of Alternative Measurements of Body Composition in Children with Spina Bifida.” 12th International Family Nursing Conference. Odense, Denmark. August 2015.

Polfuss, Michele. “Measuring Body Composition in Children with Spina Bifida: A Pilot Study (Poster).” Building Bridges Conference. Milwaukee, WI. May 2015.

Polfuss, Michele. “Measuring Body Composition in Children with Spina Bifida: A Pilot Study (Poster).” MNRS Annual Conference. Indianapolis, Indiana. April 2015.

Polfuss, Michele. “The Great Sugar Debate.” 36th Annual Conference on Pediatric Health Care. Las Vegas, Nevada. March 2015.

Polfuss, Michele. “Obesity Across the Lifespan.” Wisconsin Nurses Association - Advanced Practice Nursing 28th Annual Pharmacology and Clinical Update. Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. May 2014.

Polfuss, Michele. “Obesity in the Adolescent Population.” Wisconsin Academy of Physican Assistants 2014 Spring Conference. Wisconsin Dells. April 2014.

Polfuss, Michele. “Food/Activity Parenting Practices Questionnaire.” 11th International Family Nursing Conference. Minneapolis, Minnesota. June 2013.

Polfuss, Michele. “Assessment of Overweight/Obesity in Pediatric Care Practices: Chart Review (Poster).” 2013 Pediatric Academic Society. Washington, DC. May 2013.

Polfuss, Michele. “Relationship between Hemoglobin A1C and Chaos in the Family Household in Children with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus (T1DM), POSTER.” 2013 Pediatric Academic Society Conference. Washington, DC. May 2013.

Polfuss, Michele. “Assessment of Overweight/Obesity in Primary Care Practices: Provider Survey.” Building Bridges Conference. Milwaukee, WIsconsin. May 2013.

Polfuss, Michele. “Behaviors and Environments Associated with Childhood Obesity.” 23rd Annual Convention. Nashville, Tennessee. April 2013.

Polfuss, Michele, and Sawin, Kathleen J.“Measuring Body Composition in Children with Spina Bifida: A Pilot Study (Poster).” Annual Conference. Chicago, Illinois. April 2013.

Polfuss, Michele. “Parent Perspectives of Feeding and Physical Activity Practices: What matters most? (Poster).” 2013 MNRS Annual Conference. Chicago, Illinois. March 2013.

Polfuss, Michele. “Relationship Between Hemoglobin A1C and Chaos in the Family Household (Poster).” Best Practices Conference. Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. March 2013.

Polfuss, Michele. “Environments and Behaviors Associated with Childhood Obesity.” Local Chapter Meeting. Milwaukee, WI. June 2012.

Polfuss, Michele. “Behaviors and Environments Associated with Childhood Obesity.” 26th Annual Wisconsin Nurses Association Advanced Practice Nursing Forum Pharmacology & Clinical Update. Wisconsin Dells, Wisconsin. May 2012.

Polfuss, Michele. “Parent Self-Efficacy to Support Youth Healthy Eating and Physical Activity in an Obese Youth Population.” 2012 Midwest Regional Conference on Pediatric Psychology. Milwaukee, Wisconsin. April 2012.

Polfuss, Michele, and . “National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners.” National Conference. San Antonio, Texas. March 2012.

Polfuss, Michele. “Measuring Body Composition in Children with Spina Bifida: A Pilot Study,.” World Congress of Spina Bifida. Las Vegas, Nevada. March 2012.