Non-degree students are individuals who do not intend to earn any credential or degree from UWM.

Who Can Take Classes

  • Guest students who are enrolled at another university and would like to pick up one or more UWM courses to transfer back to their home university. Please note that transferability is determined by your home university, and students are encouraged to verify transferability before enrolling at UWM.
  • Students who need to take one or more classes for professional development or career advancement. This includes students making a career change who need to complete pre-requisite coursework before applying to a master’s or PhD program.
  • Students wishing to take a class for personal enrichment.
  • Auditors who want to take a class, but not receive credit or a grade. Auditors are not required to complete assignment or take exams, but may if they want to. Please note that not all courses are open to auditors, and registration is limited based on available seats.

Credits & Advising

Credits earned as a non-degree student (other than audit) are full college credits and can be used in the future towards a degree or to transfer to another college or university. Non-degree students can also receive academic advising from a professional advisor.

Tuition for Non-Degree & Auditors

Non-degree students pay the same tuition and fees as degree-seeking UWM students. Auditors pay a lower tuition rate; Wisconsin residents who are 60 years of age or older or who are disabled may qualify for free auditing.

Contact Us

Questions about our programs can be directed to