Wisconsin residents who are 60 years of age or older by the start of the semester/term may audit classes tuition free, on a space-available basis, in courses that are open to auditors and special students.

Additionally, Wisconsin residents who have a documented disability and are receiving disability insurance benefits under either the federal Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program or the federal Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program can also qualify to audit classes.

Please note that auditors are responsible for paying any special course fees, including fees assessed in lieu of tuition, for courses in which they choose to enroll. The Instructional Technology for online courses is waived.

Per Universities of Wisconsin Class Audit policy, instructor permission must be obtained by the auditor. An enrollment hold will be placed on all auditors preventing them from self-enrollment at time of admission. Please note, auditors receive only provisional permission to attend classes until course registration is completed at the end of the add/drop period.

Follow the steps below to apply!

  1. Submit the 60+ and Auditors with a Documented Disability Application Form

    Apply with the Universities of Wisconsin application

    60+ Auditors: Proof of age is needed for successful completion of application. Please email a copy of your drivers license, birth certificate or state ID to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at undergraduateadmissions@uwm.edu.

    Auditors with a Documented Disability: SSI benefit letter is needed for successful completion of application. Please email a copy to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at undergraduateadmissions@uwm.edu.

  2. Activate Your UWM Log In Credentials & Email Account

    After you are admitted, you will need to activate your UWM ePanther ID. These credentials are used to log into UWM systems and email that are needed to request enrollment and access course materials. UWM uses a number of online platforms for enrollments, course assignments, and many other processes.  Please note that you cannot activate or access your UWM email account until 2-3 business days after you have been admitted into the auditor program.

    • Activate Your UWM ePanther ID – Every UWM student is issued a unique ePanther ID that is used to log into all UWM accounts. You will need your Campus ID number to activate your ePanther. You received your campus ID number in an email after you submitted your application.
    • Access Your PAWS Account – Your PAWS account stores a record of all the courses you have taken along with all of your contact information. Make sure you are able to log in.
    • Log into Your UWM Email Account – You will be able to access your UWM email account 2-3 business days after you have been admitted. You cannot access your email account prior to that time. Your UWM email account is provided through Microsoft Outlook, and your email address is your ePanther ID with @uwm.edu after it. (Example: ppanther@uwm.edu
    • Access Canvas – All online courses and many in person courses will require that you use Canvas to read the course syllabus, view readings, access assignments, etc. Your courses will not appear in your Canvas account until 1-2 business days after you are enrolled in a course. 
  3. Submit the University Terms and Conditions Agreement

    All newly admitted students must complete UWM’s Terms and Conditions Agreement online through their PAWS account. You cannot be enrolled in courses until this step is completed.

    Terms and Conditions Agreement [PDF]

  4. Requesting Enrollment

    60+/Disabled Auditor Enrollment Request Instructions & Template

    Auditors are not allowed to enroll themselves in courses. All auditors must use the process outlined in the enrollment request instructions linked above to request permission to audit a course. Auditors are only allowed to audit lectures; enrollment labs, discussions, or other type of course is not permitted. Once permission is obtained via that outlined process, auditors will be enrolled in their course by UWM staff on or after the first day of the term. Auditors are not enrolled in courses prior to the first day of the term. Enrollment requests must be submitted completely online via your UWM email account by following the process linked above.

    Please note that you cannot activate or access your UWM email account until 2-3 business days after you have been admitted into the auditor program. You must wait until you have an active UWM email account to request enrollment.

Please send questions about the program to undergraduateadmissions@uwm.edu

Please note applications and enrollment requests will take at least 3 days for processing after all necessary information has been submitted.

If you have questions as you work through this process, please contact the Office of Undergraduate Admissions at 414-229-2222.