Seeing our campus in person, meeting with an admissions counselor or attending a visit program are some of the best ways to get to know UW-Milwaukee. We offer a variety of UWM visit options to help you explore our university in the way that’s most convenient for you.
Visit UW-Milwaukee
See our campus for yourself and learn how UWM can be the right fit for you!
Tours are available six days a week during the school year and Monday through Friday in the summer months. On our 90-minute campus tour, you’ll learn more about our academic programs, see inside a residence hall, walk through major campus hubs, talk to an admissions advisor and more.
UWM Virtual Tour
Get to know the UWM main campus from the comfort and convenience of home with our virtual campus tour.
Our 360-degree virtual tour allows you to imagine yourself on our main campus located just five minutes from Lake Michigan and 10 minutes from downtown. The virtual tour also includes our downtown locations: UWM Panther Arena, the School of Freshwater Sciences and the Zilber School of Public Health.
Explore the City of Milwaukee
Sitting on the coast of beautiful Lake Michigan, Milwaukee is a big, bustling city with a friendly, small-town feel. UWM students get all the career benefits of paid internships and networking opportunities while enjoying a tight-knit campus nestled in Milwaukee’s historic east side neighborhood. Come see for yourself what makes our city special.