The Humanities Division in the College of Letters and Science is comprised of a wide array of academic departments, interdisciplinary certificate programs, units that support student learning, and community-engaged Centers. We offer study in over a dozen languages and countless courses in culture, literature, history, and art.
All undergraduate students engage with the Humanities at some point during their studies at UWM. Each year, about 2000 students major in the Humanities and humanistic social sciences at UWM, where they are taught by over 200 tenured and tenure-track faculty.
Faculty and instructional staff in the Humanities and humanistic social sciences offer courses that challenge students to improve their abilities to think and communicate more effectively. Studying the Humanities is an essential field for future success and for the success of the community and country in decades ahead.
If you are interested in studying the Humanities, see below for what UWM has to offer:
Humanities Departments, Majors, and Areas of Study
- Art History
- Communication
- English
- Philosophy
- Foreign Languages and Literature (Arabic, Chinese, Classics, German, Modern Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Russian, and Swedish)
- French, Italian, and Comparative Literature
- Latin American, Caribbean, & U.S. Latin@ Studies
- Spanish and Portuguese
- Translation and Interpreting Studies
- Women’s and Gender Studies
Humanistic Social Science Departments
- African and African Diaspora Studies
- Anthropology
- History
- Journalism, Advertising, and Media Studies
- Linguistics
Certificate Programs
- Celtic Studies
- Film Studies
- Jewish Studies
- Latin American and Caribbean Studies
- Latino Studies
- LGBT Studies
- Religious Studies
Humanities Centers
- Center for 21st Century Studies
- Center for Latin American & Caribbean Studies
- The Sam and Helen Stahl Center for Jewish Studies