Hi, my name is Alyssa Fehrman. I am double majoring in Italian and Global Management with a minor Economics. I studied aboard in Rome in Spring 2022. I also did an internship at Romeing in Spring of 2022 and another in La Spezia at Tarros in the summer of 2022. I am a senior who is graduating in May 2023!
I care about teaching others how to be respectful of cultures and love to learn about them myself. I think it is important to be kind and considerate of other people and their lifestyles. Instead of thinking of things as being right or wrong, just learning about how everyone is different. My ultimate career goal is to work in international education to help other people experience new cultures.
I am happy to be a part of this podcast team with all these amazing people. We are creating the Panther Planet Podcast from scratch, so it is a learning experience. I hope you enjoy our topics and learn something new like we all have from this experience.
Contact: alyssafehrman@gmail.com