lscontact level=”prospective”
(For prospective undergrads. Departments cannot change this, and it must be included.)
[lscontact level=”prospective”]
lscontact level=”undergrad”
(For current undergrads. Departments can use this option if they don’t have/don’t want to use a department contact.)
[lscontact level=”undergraduate”]
lscontact level=”undergraduate” contact=”../../contact/” contactName=”Department Name”
(For current undergrads. Departments can use this option if they have want to include a link to their “Contact Us” page .)
[lscontact level=”undergraduate” contact=”../../contact/” contactName=”Department Name”]
lscontact level=”undergraduate” contact=”mailto:dept@uwm.edu” contactName=”Dept Email”
For current undergrads. Departments can use this option if they have want to include a generic department email.)
[lscontact level=”undergraduate” contact=”mailto:dept@uwm.edu” contactName=”Dept Email”]
Undergraduate Examples:
Prospective Students
[lscontact level=”prospective”]
Current Students
[lscontact level=”undergraduate”]
[lscontact level=”undergraduate” contact=”../../contact/” contactName=”Department Name”]
[lscontact level=”undergraduate” contact=”mailto:dept@uwm.edu” contactName=”Dept Email”]
lscontact level=”prospectiveGraduate”
(This is Part 1 of info grouping 1 option. It provides contact info for prospective grads. Shows Grad School contacts. )
[lscontact level=”prospectiveGraduate”]
lscontact level=”graduate” contact=”mailto:dept@uwm.edu” contactName=”Dept Email”
(This is Part 2 of info grouping 1 option. It provides contact info for current grads. Shows department email contact.)
[lscontact level=”graduate” contact=”mailto:dept@uwm.edu” contactName=”Dept Email”]
lscontact level=”prospectiveGraduate” contact=”mailto:dept@uwm.edu” contactName=”Dept Email”
(This is grouping 2 option for prospective and current grads. Shows Grad School contact and department email contact together, offering a more general “questions and comments” contact than the grouping 1, part 1 option does.)
[lscontact level=”prospectiveGraduate” contact=”mailto:dept@uwm.edu” contactName=”Dept Email”]
Graduate Examples:
[lscontact level=”prospectiveGraduate”]
[lscontact level=”graduate” contact=”mailto:dept@uwm.edu” contactName=”Dept Email”]
[lscontact level=”prospectiveGraduate” contact=”mailto:dept@uwm.edu” contactName=”Dept Email”]