- carvanmj@uwm.edu
- 414-251-7155
- Great Lakes Research Facility 2013
Michael Carvan
- Shaw Professor, School of Freshwater Sciences
- PhD, Veterinary Anatomy and Public Health, Texas A&M University, 1993
- MS, Biological Oceanography, University of Miami, 1988
- BS, Marine Biology, University of North Carolina at Wilmington, 1985
Research Interests
- Toxicology - the effects of toxic environmental chemical on development, physiology, reproduction
- Toxigenomics - the effects of environmental chemical and other stressors on global gene expression
- Epigenetics - the effects of developmental exposure to environmental chemicals and other stressors on adult disease or dysfunction; these effects are often heritable without change in gene sequences
- Behavioral toxicology - the effects of exposure to low-levels of environmental chemicals and other stressors and how they affect subtle non-lethal endpoints that are critical to survivial
- Gene-environment-disease/dysfunction interactions - species and individuals vary in their sensitivity to environmental stressors and in the vast majority of cases this difference can only be explained by complex interactions between genes and the environment
Recent and Selected Publications
Carvan III, Michael J. 2020. Methylmercury induces transgenerationally transmissible epigenetic changes influencing zebrafish behavior, pp 493-510 in (Gerlai ed.) Behavioral and Neural Genetics of Zebrafish, Academic Press.
Li, Dan; Xie, Lingtian; Carvan III, Michael J; Guo, Laodong. 2019. Mitigative effects of natural and model dissolved organic matter with different functionalities on the toxicity of methylmercury in embryonic zebrafish Environmental pollution 252:616-626.
Mora-Zamorano, Francisco X; Larson, Jeremy K; Carvan, Michael J. 2018. Neurobehavioral analysis methods for adverse outcome pathway (AOP) models and risk assessment A Systems Biology Approach to Advancing Adverse Outcome Pathways for Risk Assessment, pp 149-175 in C.A. Murphy and N. Reyero, eds., A Systems Biology Approach to Advancing Adverse Outcome Pathways for Risk Assessment. Springer.
DeBofsky, Abigail R; Klingler, Rebekah H; Mora-Zamorano, Francisco X; Walz, Marcus; Shepherd, Brian; Larson, Jeremy K; Anderson III, David; Yang, Luobin; Goetz, Frederick; Basu, Niladri. 2018. Female reproductive impacts of dietary methylmercury in yellow perch (Perca flavescens) and zebrafish (Danio rerio) Chemosphere 195: 301-311.
Carvan III, Michael J; Kalluvila, Thomas A; Klingler, Rebekah H; Larson, Jeremy K; Pickens, Matthew; Mora-Zamorano, Francisco X; Connaughton, Victoria P; Sadler-Riggleman, Ingrid; Beck, Daniel; Skinner, Michael K. 2017. Mercury-induced epigenetic transgenerational inheritance of abnormal neurobehavior is correlated with sperm epimutations in zebrafish. PloS One 12:5.
Liu, Qing; Klingler, Rebekah H; Wimpee, Barbara; Dellinger, Matthew; King-Heiden, Tisha; Grzybowski, Jessica; Gerstenberger, Shawn L; Weber, Daniel N; Carvan III, Michael J. 2016. Maternal methylmercury from a wild-caught walleye diet induces developmental abnormalities in zebrafish. Reproductive Toxicology 65: 272-282.