Freshwater Colloquium Series

The School of Freshwater Sciences’ Freshwater Colloquium creates a platform for students, faculty and scientists to discuss their research and emergent issues related to freshwater resources. Presentations are open to the public. All events will take place on Mondays from …

Roebber Named Fellow of the American Meteorological Society

UWM Distinguished Professor Dr. Paul Roebber, of the Atmospheric Science Program, has been named a Fellow of the American Meteorological Society (AMS)! Election to the grade of Fellow serves as recognition of outstanding contributions to advance the atmospheric and related …

WISN 12 News Interviews Cuhel About Brown Rivers in Milwaukee

Why do the Milwaukee and Kinnickinnic Rivers have a brownish tint? That is the topic for an interview by WISN 12 News Meteorologist Gino Recchia with Dr. Russell Cuhel, Senior Scientist at UWM School of Freshwater Sciences. Dr. Cuhel explains …

Kohler Trust for Clean Water donation of $1.3 million for RV Maggi Sue

The Kohler Trust for Clean Water has given the UWM Foundation $1.3 million toward construction of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee School of Freshwater Sciences’ state-of-the-art Research Vessel Maggi Sue. The vessel will be the most sophisticated floating research platform on …

Roebber and Bootsma Interviewed for WUWM Series on Warm Winters

WUWM 89.7 interviewed School of Freshwater Sciences Professors Paul Roebber and Harvey Bootsma for their series discussing the impacts of warmer winters on the environment. The show “Shrinking ice cover, warmer water: How will Lake Michigan and its food web …

New Paper in Climate Change Mitigation: et al. and Cuhel

Dr. Russell Cuhel, Senior Scientist in the School of Freshwater Sciences, is a contributor on a paper recently published in the journal One Earth. The paper is titled: Deep-ocean seaweed dumping for carbon sequestration: Questionable, risky, and not the best …

Radio Delfin Featured Atmo Sci Professor Kahl and Students

Professor Jon Kahl and his UWinteriM SFS Atmospheric Science study abroad students were featured on the Radio Delfin social media post and radio broadcast. Radio Delfin is the campus radio station at University of Carmen, Ciudad del Carmen in Mexico. …