Information regarding room reservations and room rentals at the Great Lakes Research Facility, managed by the UWM School of Freshwater Sciences.

Room Availability

  • Room availability can be found on the SFS Reservation Calendars.  Recent confirmed reservations may not be shown until processed.

Questions, Cancellations and Edits

  • Questions, cancellations, or edits to a request can be directed to Carissa at  
  • Note for Building Occupants: If a room is already reserved, it is your responsibility to seek approval from the appropriate parties if you want to make room reservation changes.  Before changes can be made to existing reservations, we request that you forward email confirmations from all affected parties to Carissa at
Facilities Information
  • The School of Freshwater Sciences does not have dedicated event staff.  We ask that the organizations that are reserving rooms set-up, clean up and tear-down their own events, and make their own catering arrangements. Tables and chairs will be provided.
  • Please refrain from using rooms that were not included in your reservation and do not use tape on any walls.
  • Parking is available in the parking lot to the west of the building or on the street, both options are free of charge.
Room Rental Rates 2024

*Daily rate is 4 hours or more. Half day rate is for < 4 hours.

BuildingRoomArea ft.CapacityUW Daily RateNon-Profit / State / Federal Agency Daily RateExternal Users Daily Rate
GLRFClassroom 1080180424$135$182$207
Classroom 1084169824$130$176$201
Conference 109991524$99$134$153
Ballroom 100B239050$158$213$243
Conference 3080266264$169$228$260
Conference 309378116$94$127$145
Computer Lab 309773220$92$124$142

Room Reservation Request Form