Presentations – September 2014
Braman, S. (2014, August.) The borders of the informational state. Presented to the Society for the Social Studies of Science (4S), Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Braman, S. (2014, June.) Social theory and big data. Presented to the Oxford Internet Institute Experts Workshop, Responsible Research Agendas for Big Data and Policy-Making, Washington, DC.
Fonner, K.L. (2014, June). Do teleworkers prioritize work over their personal lives? Examining the asymmetrical permeability of work and home boundaries. Paper presented at the Work Family Researchers Network Conference, New York, NY.
Fonner, K.L. (2014, June). Facilitator and co-organizer of, How did you get here?: Career Q&A and networking session. Session held at the Work Family Researchers Network Conference, New York, NY.
Pichette, P. & Priddis, D. (2014, June). Enabling:Helping or harming? Workshop presented at at 30th Annual Conference of the National Rural Institute on Alcohol and Drug Abuse, Menomonie, WI.
Salek, T.A. (2014, May). Breaking social, political and diegetic borders: The dramatistic lens of Jean Rouch’s ethnofiction films. Paper presented at the 2014 Biennial Rhetoric Society for America Conference, San Antonio, TX.