
John Jordan

Associate Professor
 Johnston Hall 235


PhD, Speech Communication, The University of Georgia
MA, Speech Communication, The University of Georgia
BA, Rhetoric and Communication Studies, Drake University

Research Interests

I study pressing issues in contemporary society using critical rhetorical analysis. My research program centers typically on how technology interacts with public sensibilities, and how subaltern groups use rhetoric to engage authoritative control. My scholarly goal is to help others appreciate the wider possibilities of their involvement in society.

Courses Taught

Introduction to Public Speaking (undergraduate)
Introduction to Interpersonal Communication (undergraduate)
The Digital Mirror (undergraduate)
Methods of Rhetorical Criticism (undergraduate)
Critical Analysis of Communication (undergraduate)
Rhetoric of/and the Internet (undergraduate)
Theories of Rhetorical Communication (graduate)
Rhetoric of Constituting Community and Social Controversy (graduate)
Rhetoric of/and the Internet (graduate)
Critical Analysis of Communication (graduate)
The Digital Mirror (graduate)

Selected Publications

Jordan, J. W. (2020) Profanity from the heart as exceptional civic rhetoric. Quarterly Journal of Speech , 106(2), 111-132.
Jordan, J. W. (2014) Amputee Wannabes. Thompson, T. L. (Ed). Encyclopedia of Health Communication , 76-77. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
Jordan, J. W. (2009) Good and bad fathers as moral rhetoric in Wall Street. Fathering , 7, 180-195.
Jordan, J. W. (2009) Reshaping the “Pillow Angel”: Plastic bodies and the rhetoric of normal surgical solutions. Quarterly Journal of Speech , 95(1), 20-42.
Jordan, J. W. (2009) Sports commentary and the problem of television knowledge. Ruszkiewicz, J. (Ed). How to write anything: A guide and reference with readings , 1st, . New York: Bedford/St. Martin’s.
Jordan, J. W. (2008) Celebrating television’s spotty memory. Flow TV , 7(10). Flow TV.
Jordan, J. W. (2008) The anachronism of television subscription packages. Flow TV , 7(5). Flow TV.
Jordan, J. W. (2008) Transcending Hollywood: The referendum on United 93 as cinematic memorial. Critical Studies in Media Communication , 25, 196-223.
Jordan, J. W. (2007) Disciplining the virtual home front: The Web and Web users during the War in Iraq. Communication and Critical/Cultural Studies , 4, 276-302.
Jordan, J. W. (2007) Sports commentary and the problem of television knowledge. Flow TV , 7(1). Flow TV.