WAMS Archive

The Green Fear of Death: Flowers, Fertility and Monstrousness in Homeric Poetry

Friday, February 27 2015 3:30 pm

UWM Curtin Hall 939

Workshop in Ancient Mediterranean Studies

Dr. William Brockliss, Assistant Professor of Classics, University of Wisconsin-Madison
“The Green Fear of Death: Flowers, Fertility and Monstrousness in Homeric Poetry”

Friday, February 27, 2015, 3:30 pm
UWM Curtin Hall 939

The title of Dr. Brockliss’s talk is “The Green Fear of Death: Flowers, Fertility, and Monstrousness in Homeric Poetry.” This talk will survey Homeric floral imagery of death, and argue that the imagery does not carry the sorts of associations with the brevity of life that we might expect from the Greek elegiac poets, or indeed from Anglophone poetry. Rather, it focuses on the concept of fertility, at times an extreme fertility. Drawing primarily on the work of Jean-Pierre Vernant, Dr. Brockliss hopes to show that this concept evokes the monstrous otherness of death, which Vernant associates in particular with the mask of the Gorgon.

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Hosted by the Center for 21st Century Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Supported by the departments of Anthropology, Art History, History, and the program in Classics within the department of Foreign Languages and Literature at UWM.

A Great Imperial Sanctuary in Germania Superior: The Exemple of Mandeure

Friday, November 14 2014 3:30 pm

UWM Curtin Hall 939

Workshop in Ancient Mediterranean Studies

Dr. Jean-Yves Marc, Director of the Institute for Classical Archaeology, University of Strasbourg
“A Great Imperial Sanctuary in Germania Superior: The Exemple of Mandeure”

Friday, November 14, 2014, 3:30 pm
UWM Curtin Hall 939

Dr. Marc will be speaking on “A Great Imperial Sanctuary in Germania Superior: The Exemple of Mandeure.” His work at this site has contributed to there-evaluation of the phenomenon of “Romanization” in light of scientific advances in archaeology over the past 50 years and a more nuanced consideration of historical context in Roman province of Germania.

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Hosted by the Center for 21st Century Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Supported by the departments of Anthropology, Art History, History, and the program in Classics within the department of Foreign Languages and Literature at UWM.

Dr. Hrvoje Potrebica

Friday, April 4 2014 3:30 pm

UWM Sabin Hall 281

Workshop in Ancient Mediterranean Studies

Dr. Hrvoje Potrebica, Associate Professor of Archaeology, University of Zagreb, and Kress Lecturer for the AIA for 2013-2014

Friday, April 4, 2014, 3:30 pm
UWM Sabin Hall 281

Dr. Potrebica will be speaking about the Kapitol site in Croatia as a nexus of Mediterranean cultures where artifacts of both Etruscan and Greek origin are found in funerary contexts during the Early Iron Age.

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Hosted by the Center for 21st Century Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Supported by the departments of Anthropology, Art History, Classics, and History at UWM and the Department of History at Marquette University

Creon and Other Stock Tyrants in Greek Tragedy

Friday, March 14 2014 3:30 pm

UWM Curtin Hall Room 939

Workshop in Ancient Mediterranean Studies

Dr. Anne Duncan, Assistant Professor of Classics, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2013-14 Solmsen Fellow, Institute for Research in the Humanities, University of Wisconsin-Madison
“Creon and Other Stock Tyrants in Greek Tragedy”

Friday, March 14, 2014, 3:30 pm
UWM Curtin Hall Room 939

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Dr. Duncan’s talk will be focused on the character of Creon during and after the Peloponnesian War and tyrants’ use of theater to legitimize their regimes.

At the Horse and Girl: Sex, Death, and Revolution in Archaic Athens

Friday, February 21 2014 3:30 pm

UWM Curtin Hall 939

Workshop in Ancient Mediterranean Studies

Dr. Robert Wallace, Professor of Classics, Northwestern University
“At the Horse and Girl: Sex, Death, and Revolution in Archaic Athens”

Friday, February 21, 2014, 3:30 pm
UWM Curtin Hall 939

Dr. Wallace will be speaking on the abolishment of monarchy at Athens.

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Hosted by the Center for 21st Century Studies, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

The Children of the Athenian Phratries

Friday, November 22 2013 3:30 pm

UWM Curtin Hall, Room 939

Workshop in Ancient Mediterranean Studies

Ken Rigsby
“The Children of the Athenian Phratries”

Friday, November 22, 2013, 3:30 pm
UWM Curtin Hall, Room 939

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Kent Rigsby is Professor Emeritus from Duke University, where he was a professor of Ancient History and Epigraphy. He received his BA in Classics from Yale, before receiving his MA from the University of Toronto. In 1971, he was a fellow at the Society of Fellows at Harvard University. He is the author of Asylia: Territorial Inviolability in the Hellenistic World (1996), and has published dozens of articles on Greek law, epigraphy, and numismatics. He is currently the editor of the journal Greek, Roman & Byzantine Studies.

The Workshop in Ancient Mediterranean Studies is funded by the Center for 21st Century Studies at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee. All workshops are free and open to the public and take place on the 9th floor of Curtain Hall (939). Light refreshments and coffee will be served. For questions, please email Sarah Bond (sarah.bond@marquette.edu) or Renée M. Calkins (calkins@uwm.edu).

Regulating Religion: The Challenges and Potential of Greek Sacred Laws

Friday, September 20 2013 3:30 pm

UWM Curtin Hall, Room 939

Workshop in Ancient Mediterranean Studies

Chad Austino
“Regulating Religion: The Challenges and Potential of Greek Sacred Laws”

Friday, September 20th, 2013, 3:30 pm
UWM Curtin Hall, Room 939

Chad Austino received his PhD in classics from Duke University in 2012 and has a BA in History and Classics from Rutgers University. His dissertation was titled “Adaptation and Tradition in Hellenistic Sacred Laws.” He currently teaches Latin at Catholic Memorial High School in Waukesha, WI.

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The Workshop in Ancient Mediterranean Studies is funded by the Center for 21st Century Studies at the University of Wisconsin – Milwaukee. All workshops are free and open to the public and take place on the 9th floor of Curtain Hall (939). Light refreshments and coffee will be served. For questions, please email Sarah Bond (sarah.bond@marquette.edu) or Renée M. Calkins (calkins@uwm.edu).