Classics 489: Internships in Classics
The Classics Program offers internships designed to offer students supervised practical experience in which they work in a business, educational, professional, or other setting and apply skills (e.g., writing, research, communication, data organization) developed in Classics courses. Typically, an internship offers no stipend, but sometimes they can be paid.
The internship is carried out under the supervision of an employee of the institution or organization who will be the institution internship supervisor; the academic component of the internship is under the supervision of a Classics faculty member who will be the faculty internship supervisor.
Students considering an internship should discuss options with the Classics Program Coordinator and/or the desired faculty supervisor as a first step at least one semester before they plan to register for the internship.
There are currently internship opportunities possible with the following programs and departments:
- The Milwaukee Public Museum
- Emile H. Mathis Art Gallery at UWM in conjunction with the Department of Art History
- Special Collections at the Golda Meir Library
To enroll in an internship, students must:
- have a cumulative GPA of 2.25 or higher
- have at least junior status
- be a Classics major
- have identified an appropriate institution/organization for the internship, an internship supervisor at the institution and a faculty internship supervisor at least one semester in advance of the start of the internship semester.
Students should initiate meetings with both the Classics Program Coordinator/Classics faculty member and a professional at the internship location to assess the potential and follow through with the paperwork in a timely manner. The Classics Program Coordinator must approve the internship before students finalize any internship plans. Any student enrolling in a Classics internship without prior program approval will be administratively dropped from the course.
Expectations for Classics 489:
1 credit = 40 hours in internship (to earn 3 credits, for example, students should expect to work 8 hours per week for 15 weeks for a total of 120 internship hours). A student may earn up to 6 credits maximum.
The student’s performance in the course will be evaluated through:
- A bi-weekly report on their internship work submitted on Canvas to the faculty internship supervisor (students are encouraged to keep a log of the work carried out daily during the internship)
- A Reflection Paper that relates specific duties/activities at the institution as well as the general learning experience. The paper (3-5 pages) should include specific projects undertaken, any text produced, or research carried out during the internship.
- A formal assessment of the student’s performance written by the internship supervisor and submitted to the faculty internship supervisor.