Mulroy Scholarship

The David Mulroy Scholarship for the Study of Classics Abroad

One award of up to $5,000 to study Classics in Greece or Italy during Summer 2023

Students should expect to commit at least 3 weeks to a study abroad program. The winning applicant will selecta study abroad program in consultation with the Classics Program faculty. Note that if travel is not possible due to Covid-19 restrictions, the award will not carry over and the applicant will be invited to apply again the subsequent year.

David Mulroy Scholarship Flyer


The David D. Mulroy Classics Scholarship was created by an anonymous donor to honor David Mulroy, a beloved Professor Emeritus in Classics. The scholarship is intended to support study abroad for a classics student. The recipient will work with the Classics program to select an approved study abroad program that aligns with his/her study in classics and that is at least 3 weeks in duration. Eligible students will be:

  • a declared classics major at UWM
  • have a minimum cumulative GPA of at least 2.5
  • have a minimum GPA in Classics courses of at least a 3.0

Preference will be given to students who have completed, or are enrolled in, at least one Greek or Latin language course at UWM.

Application Submission Requirements

  • Review potential programs that interest you and take study abroad budgeting into consideration.
  • A current unofficial UWM transcript
  • A short essay of at least 300 words explaining how study abroad will benefit you, and what program(s) in particular are of interest to you
  • The name of a UWM faculty member who can serve as a reference

The scholarship process for all students and all scholarships begins with UWM’s Scholarship Portal. You will need to create a general profile and upload a copy of your most recent transcript. If you previously created a general profile and uploaded a transcript, you should update your profile with any new information and upload a newer version of your transcript that has your most recent grades on it.

Many scholarships require no additional application beyond this general scholarship application and uploaded transcript; students are automatically reviewed for these types of scholarships.

You may also see scholarships on your Scholarship Portal dashboard that you can “Apply To.” These are scholarships which do require additional information beyond the general application and uploaded transcript.