Sponsoring a Visitor for J-1
J-1 Visiting Scholar sponsorship is initiated by faculty and academic or administrative units when they wish to host a Foreign National for a period of academic and cultural exchange from between 3 weeks and 5 years. CIE facilitates this exchange through the issuance of the required DS-2019 documents and mandatory reporting to the Student and Exchange Visitor Program. Additionally, CIE provides visa orientation to all J-1 Visiting Scholars.
The sponsor and sponsoring unit have central responsibilities with respect to establishing and documenting the conditions for the invitation and program and to supporting the Visiting Scholar throughout her or his program at UWM. The prospective J-1 Visiting Scholar also plays a key role with respect to the documentation of their academic qualifications, as well as identity and U.S. visa history, and to maintaining proper J-1 status while at UWM.
Sponsor Responsibilities
As an academic or administrative unit or faculty member, if you are sponsoring a foreign national for J-1 status, you are agreeing to sponsorship terms of the U.S. government and will have a variety of responsibilities both prior to and throughout the time that the foreign national is at UWM under the conditions of the J-1 visa. You will be responsible to:
- plan a minimum of 4-6 months time for the J-1 process
- discuss any new hires or invitees who will require J-1 sponsorship as soon as possible with CIE
- coordinate and submit DS-2019 Request, Sponsor and Visiting Scholar materials, including proof of English language proficiency, to CIE
- provide original DS-2019 to prospective visitor
- inform CIE of any changes to J-1 Visiting Scholar’s arrival date
- assist J-1 Visiting Scholar to check in at CIE within 3 days of arrival
During J-1 Program
- provide an academic “home” to the Visiting Scholar, including set-up with IT for email and campus ID, access to appropriate department activities, support for purpose of the J-1 program, and ongoing integration into the life of UWM and Milwaukee, including English language support as needed
- report any changes to location of J-1 program activity/job site, position title, duties, funding, or duration to CIE
- make request to CIE for any necessary J-1 extensions at least one month prior to the expiration of current J-1 authorization
Upon J-1 Program End
Ending an individual’s affiliation with UWM as a Visiting Scholar during a period of J-1 authorization requires specific actions on the part of the sponsor. Notify CIE as soon as you are aware that the scholar will be leaving UWM. CIE must take action with the Student and Exchange Visitor Program to either shorten the program end date or to assist the visitor if he or she plans to transfer their program to another university/J-1 sponsor.
DS-2019 Request Form
UWM Sponsors complete this form (PDF) to request the issuance of the immigration Form DS-2019 for a J-1 Visiting Scholar.
Jessica Lynn Gonzalez
International Employment and Immigration Specialist