If you’re fascinated by how individuals and organizations grow wealth through investment portfolios, the Investment Management Certificate Program will challenge you with an intense, extended, applied educational opportunity.

As an IMCP student, you’ll carry out all of the duties that professional investors do – leaving the program with analyst-level skills. You learn the role of the sell-side analyst, buy-side analyst, investment banker, performance and risk manager, institutional sales, financial planner, and portfolio manager.

You will:

  • Be part of a team that works on around $10 million in real portfolios
  • Be trained in a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Institute University Affiliation Program (undergraduate IMCP curriculum) where you are prepared for and encouraged to sit for the CFA Level I examination
  • Meet regularly with investment professionals inside and outside of the classroom
  • Have access to top flight investment analytical tools
  • Work on real projects and participate in competitions
  • Travel to some of the world’s largest financial centers

Scholarships are available to IMCP students to support tuition and IMCP-related travel expenses, and for CFA examination fees.

Leading Through Analytics and Innovation