K. Dolan reported that the December commencement will be virtual; feedback from participants in the virtual spring commencement will be used to improve the December event.
Chancellor Mone reported that the enrollment decline of 5% overall is better than expected; returning student numbers are up 1.5% but there are fewer transfers and freshmen than last year. Possible reasons for this include more gap years due to COVID, demographic trends, and students choosing other schools for reasons that are being explored.
Aggregate COVID numbers at UWM are at about 20, including faculty, staff and student cases; we are doing about as well as can be expected considering the conditions and compared to other schools in the UW system and across the country. SAC President Emmy May has been a great ambassador for responsible behavior. Antigen testing is now ramping up, which will increase the number of tests that can be administered to asymptomatic students; up to now PCR tests have been administered only to symptomatic students. The number of cases will inevitably increase as antigen tests are applied systematically to all students. Riverview is the designated quarantine/isolation facility for students who test positive and cannot return home. A $23-53 million shortfall is predicted by the end of the year. More cuts are inevitable.
In Members’ Reports D. Misra reported that the Nominations Committee met Tuesday September 1 to finalize the meeting schedule, which will be the same as last year.
Provost Britz will attend the September 15 meeting.