September 29, 2015

This week we continued our discussions of the budget. We are considering trying to add reporting from other faculty committees dealing with these matters (for example the Academic Planning and Budget Committee) on UC News to keep the faculty informed.

We discussed the UWM Tenure Policy Position Paper, the similar document from UW-Madison, and the recent communication from national AAUP critiquing the Madison document. We will be revisiting our document in light of the work of the Madison faculty, AAUP commentary, and perhaps requesting further review by individuals versed in employment law.

We discussed possible future agenda items including an analysis of enrollments, a review of recommendations made in previous years, e.g., by Chancellor’s Enrollment Management Action Team (CEMAT), to find out if recommendations were implemented and with what results. We also are considering reviewing past proposals for administrative reorganization of departments, schools and colleges (implemented or suggested) to see they might provide guidance on current planning and budgeting.