September 14, 2021

UC Chair N. Rothfels reported that some additional membership changes to the Arts & Humanities Divisional Committee have occurred, due to several resignations.  He met with Assoc. VC for HR Tim Danielson and shared the UCs concerns about the Title and Total Compensation (TTC) process.  Campus meetings about scheduled 2% pay plans (in both January 2022 and January 2023) have started, and the Chancellor has indicated he will not seek to set aside any of the funds this time.  The Joint Committee on Employment Relations (JOCER) still needs to meet and approve these plans.  The UC discussed the need for campus Executive Committees to designate faculty as “solid performers” to be eligible for these pay increases.  There is considerable confusion about how this process will proceed among different units and this needs campus-wide clarification as soon as feasible.  Rothfels will serve as the UC rep to the campus Space Planning committee and will work on needed appointments to the Information Technology Policy and Graduate Program Review committees.

Chancellor M. Mone mentioned there is considerable enthusiasm among students for being physically back on campus, and that many have indicated that they are really looking forward to being able to make new friends.  UWM’s overall Fall 2021 enrollment is down 2.8% from 2020, which is near the UW-System average, and our dorms are at about 95% of capacity.  Vaccination information for all UW-System campuses has been collected and is expected to be released shortly, and Mone expects UWM’s numbers to be encouraging.  VC searches for Development/Alumni Relations and Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion are underway, with a goal of both being completed by Fall semester break.  Additional consideration is taking place as to how to move forward with the duties of retired VC T. Lulak, so no search will start in that area yet.  The Chancellor anticipates that the campus mask mandate will continue to be extended (from the current Sept. 30th expiration date) in approximately 30-day increments unless conditions improve.  Lastly, he is looking forward to the next Town Hall, scheduled for Sept. 28th.

Member E. Bornstein reported that the Affirmative Action in Faculty Employment committee had its first meeting of the year and engaged in conversation about how best to move forward effectively.  Member G. Rodger convened the first meeting of the International committee and noted they elected a chair.  Member D. Misra reported that the University Relations committee had met and elected a chair, and that he will work to convene a meeting of the Economic Benefits committee soon.  Both these committees need to discuss their on-going status and possible dissolution.

Rothfels presented a revised statement about the Title and Total Compensation (TTC) process and again invited discussion from the rest of the UC.  He will send the current draft to the UC by email, with the goal of finalizing it at our meeting next week, in preparation to introduce the statement for consideration at the Sept. 23rd Faculty Senate meeting.