October 30, 2018

UC Chair Kris O’Connor reported that he attended the Skype interviews of semifinalists for the position of Dean of the Lubar School of Business. He has also asked the head of the Office of Equity and Diversity Services to attend a future UC meeting.

As a result of the last Faculty Senate meeting, UC revised the draft Procedure for Distance Participation in Faculty Meetings and Faculty Senate to clarify the rationale, and elucidate the methods to determine attendance and guide voting on documents presented to the Senate. This was sent to the Codification Committee, to be voted on at a future Faculty Senate meeting.

UC reviewed a draft of the Program Productivity Monitoring Policy and will make several suggestions to the Provost: 1) The number of degrees awarded in programs that offer both a masters and PhD should be combined, as the programs should be considered as a whole, rather than separately. 2) There should be internal agreement about the number of students in programs at UWM before the information is forwarded to system. 3) For undergraduate programs, there should be a way of counting the second major of a student who is taking a double major. 4) There is need to specify the sources of data that will be used to determine the number of graduates from each program each semester. There is concern about the quality of the data being sent to UW System.

UC member John Reisel reported that as a result of work by the Lubar Dean Search and Screen Committee, semi-finalist candidates have been interviewed, and four names have been forwarded to the Provost for consideration as finalists for the position. Also, the Strategic Enrollment Management Modeling Team is preparing a report on current initiative for Chancellor Mone, Provost Britz, and Vice Chancellor Van Harpen.