John Reisel focused his chair’s report on his meeting with the Provost. They discussed program discontinuance, workload policy, and putting together a task force on grading policy. From the Economic Benefits Committee, Swarnjit Arora reported that WEA Trust South Central is going away from UW system, but WEA East group will be maintained. Health insurance and dental premiums will stay the same next year, and for flexible accounts you will be able to carry up to $500. The EBC also expressed concern about parking and transit for faculty. The Wisconsin Retirement System will make a presentation on Dec 8th on campus for those interested in learning more about retirement.
Rachel Buff reported that the UWM chapter of the AAUP met with Ray Cross this morning. Cross is optimistic about the $42 million budget request for the UW-System, and stated that State Rep. Robin Vos is a good advocate for the system. While he believes that Performance-Based Funding decreases productivity and opposes workload metrics, Cross said it is likely we will get some kind of PBF from the Governor. Technical colleges have worked with PBF but made it “flexible.”
In advance of the Faculty Senate meeting this Thursday at 2:30, we reviewed the draft report of the UC chair. Senators, please read the relevant documents, particularly the Post-Tenure Review document and the resolution protesting PTR procedure, in advance of the meeting.
We concluded with concerns raised by Marcia Parsons about the lack of policy addressing students who have to miss class for UWM-related activities, such as dance recitals and academic conferences, that fall outside of athletic events. The UC will work on a policy that mirrors what student athletes currently follow.