We began the meeting reviewing the campus workload document and discussed that not all Department chairs and executive committees are aware of this existing policy. We pointed out that any workload discussions at the college or department level should start with the UWM policy. Provost Britz joined us and we discussed how best to convey our activities as a research university. Bob Schwartz and Margo Anderson reported on the work the distinguished Professors are doing in compiling information on research activities across the natural sciences, social sciences, humanities, and arts. Later, Stan Yasaitis joined us and talked about the need to involve staff in communications and for gathering input in the decision making process. Stan stated that an increased information flow would be helpful as classified staff are generally demoralized and concerned for their jobs. We mused as to why UWM is not pursuing creative revenue streams, like renting Zelazo Center, Klotsche Center, or combining PO boxes rented from the post office. While these savings may seem small individually, they easily add up to someone’s position.