UC Chair N. Rothfels reported: 1) The Chancellor is having discussions with incoming UW-System leadership about the possibility of Badger Promise (one-time) funds coming to our campus; 2) The Chancellor is having constructive conversations with incoming UW-System President J. Rothman and Interim President M. Falbo about the UWM request to the BOR regarding the campus funding formula; 3) He has asked the CARE team to provide their top items for a potential Faculty Senate resolution; 4) He has invited the Interim Graduate Dean and GFC chair to the April 12 UC meeting to discuss the current policy of requiring theses and dissertations to be electronically deposited with an outside vendor; 5) The UC will encourage the Provost to eliminate gendered language in the emerit policy SAAP; and 6) We will move to a hybrid UC meeting format starting with the next meeting on April 5th.
ASC Chair N. Oswald provided the following updates: 1) She will be on parental leave for May-August, and the ASC Vice-Chair will attend UC meetings during that period; 2) TTC appeals have started with each one running about an hour (there are 174 in total). Some problems with finding appropriate titles are occurring; and 3) All longer-term lecturer appointments on campus will be transitioned to “teaching faculty” titles, primarily because these have four different levels available.
The UC discussed concerns that have been raised regarding the fraud signage which has been recently (and prominently) posted in campus buildings. We need a better approach to such messaging, as these posters are ineffective at best, and insulting at worst. All such messaging needs faculty consultation before deployment. We also discussed the continuing problem of low faculty salaries with no resolution in sight. As the very least, faculty governance should be provided with detailed information on a regular basis about UWM faculty salaries broken down by rank and demographics.
Member D. Misra reported that the APBC met the week before spring break, but that most of the issues discussed were like items presented at the Faculty Senate meeting that same week.