We met with the provost and continued our ongoing discussion about budget and planning, and discussed faculty workload. There is a university workload policy, but the CCOET report claimed that workloads varied widely depending on the department. We discussed how the demise of the annual merit exercise has caused the routine review of faculty performance to fall by the wayside in some areas on campus, and has had the unintended consequence of raising doubts about whether faculty are pulling their weight in their departments.
We have received ~20 comments from faculty on the CCOET report. The UC prepared a response to the CCOET report and attached all the comments we received as an appendix. This material was forwarded to the Chancellor. See the UC meeting minutes for the UC response.
We also discussed virtual dead ends on the UWM website. Currently, for example, the L&S website link to departments does not loop to individual department webpages, only to a terminal page about the department’s instructional programs. We will follow up on these issues.
One a final note, the Regents are expected to pass the tenure and post tenure policies at the March Regents meeting. The faculty reps across system have been working on proposed modifications to these policies that could be introduced at the meeting.