The UC met with Amanda Braun, Director of Athletics, who asked us for our perspective on athletics at UWM. Questions included: what is the value of athletics on our campus? and how does athletics contribute to the university? Braun gave us an overview of her department, which includes 15 Division 1 sports programs funded mostly by student segregated fees. UWM has 300 student athletes, about 40 of whom are on full scholarships. The unit has about 50 full time employees with another 15-20 part time employees and generates revenue through ticket sales, corporate sponsorships, and donors. Braun sees their mission as helping with the visibility and branding of the university.
UC Chair John Reisel reported on meetings over the past week. He met with the Provost and discussed the implementation suggestions for the new Post Tenure Review policy. They will talk with Deans next week to see if they have any concerns about PTR. Yesterday, the expanded cabinet met. Assuming that this year’s Dean searches are successful, next year we should expect Dean searches for Health Sciences and Lubar.
UW-Oshkosh is implicated in a lawsuit alleging the misdirection of funds. According to a recent article in the Oshkosh Northwestern, Speaker of the Assembly Robin Vos, “said the issue wouldn’t affect his thinking on funding for the overall UW System in the upcoming state budget.” Ray Cross has asked other universities in the system to make sure that financial transactions between institutions and their foundations are legal. In state budget news, the Legislative Fiscal Bureau is reporting $2 billion in revenue, which members of the Republican caucus want to direct to “tax relief” and roads.
Faculty members in the Natural Sciences continue to talk about breaking off from Letters and Science to form their own college. The L&S Dean search committee met and is coming up with questions for the first round of interviews while applications continue to come in. The Dean search for the College of Nursing is also moving forward with applications still coming in. The search and screen committee for the Dean of the Zilber School of Public Health has invited three finalists for campus visits beginning in early February.