UC Chair Kathleen Dolan reported on the Academic Leadership Council meeting. Several representatives from UW Extended Campus attended; topics discussed included ways that UWM can connect with Extended Campus. The new Microsoft phone system was also discussed; calls will be able to be completed using existing computers and headsets that will be distributed by campus, or by using an app that can be installed on personal smartphones.
K. Dolan said that the 2030 Think Tank also met. They will not meet the April 15th deadline for final report; their revised goal is May 15th. The Co-chairs will update the Faculty Senate on progress at Thursday’s Faculty Senate meeting.
Provost Johannes Britz attended. He reported that the candidates for HBSSW Dean will be visiting over the next two weeks. The upcoming Board of Regents meeting was cancelled; the Provosts will be meeting with student affairs re: mental health. Enrollment numbers projected for fall 2020 look better than last year at this time; they are 2% up from last year at this time. There will be two listening sessions have been organized by the Faculty Mentoring Program for Associate Professors. The Provost will visit the University of South Florida and Wayne State University to discuss enrollment planning. A follow-up meeting on the Student Success Summit is being planned for April; this meeting will focus on the use of data to inform decision-making.
UC Member John Reisel reported that several listening sessions on promotion to Full will be held with Associate Professors.
UC Member Julia Snethen reported that the Campus Space and Planning Committee will meet next week.
UC Member Mark Schwartz reported that the Graduate Faculty Committee met yesterday. They discussed establishing a leave policy for graduate students.
CHS Dean Tim Behrens and Professor Kyle Ebersole came to discuss the roles of Dean and EC in supervising program directors and coordinators.
The UC reviewed the current list of Faculty Standing Committees. The UC will recommend that the ARPC and the FEAC be discontinued. Secretary Turner will contact the EBC and the URC to discuss the status of the committees. The AAFEC will report to the Faculty Senate later this semester.
ASC Chair Leigh Wallace will attend the next meeting.