December 8, 2020

Chancellor Mone reported that the modality for f2f and hybrid spring courses is being finalized contingent on social distancing requirements. At most 40-45% of students will be f2f (20%) or hybrid (20-25%) on campus in spring 2021. Access to testing is the key to making this possible. The number of tests required is likely to triple for spring to meet UW System requirements and will depend on CARES and State funding as well as staffing levels. On-campus testing might begin again around January 4 unless funding for additional testing coverage is not extended. The good news is that there was no post-Thanksgiving surge on the UWM campus, which suggests the system is working. The 2030 planning team has begun meeting with the Deans of Schools and Colleges. The January 27, 2021 10:00am Town Hall with the Chancellor will present a more concrete view of what the future will hold. Leadership transitions due to illness and VSIPs will result in a changed landscape at UWM in 2021 and going forward.

K. Dolan reported on DOE requirements for Title IX implementation. The Chancellor will be asking UW System for a 120-day extension of the interim Trump-era policy until the Biden Administration has made decisions about how Title IX regulations will change. The Scenario Planning Workgroup discussed the spring semester course schedule; weekly testing is likely for residential students and bi-weekly testing for non-residential students. Summer and Fall classes are already being scheduled so questions are surfacing about whether to require vaccines for anyone teaching f2f, taking f2f classes or residing in the dorms. UW System policies are likely to be the default but we need to begin thinking about this now. The conversation will be ongoing. Rapid testing on campus will be extended through late December.

In Members’ Reports J. Snethen reported on the APBC meeting at which the Provost provided an update on the 2030 planning team meetings. I. Hu reported that the GFC has drafted language for a policy allowing Visiting Professor to serve on thesis committees for circulation. Services for graduate students wanting to talk to someone outside their departments about concerns related to faculty or programs was also discussed and it was agreed that the existing ombudsman system should be advertised more widely. The AOP scholarship program was also discussed. J. Reisel reported that the Athletic Board met and discussed budget issues due to cancellations and a decline in sponsorship payments.

Provost Britz will attend the December 15 meeting.