August 25, 2020

K. Dolan welcomed new members Nigel Rothfels, Ivy Hu and Dev Misra.

The meeting schedule with the Chancellor and the Provost is being finalized.

K. Dolan reported on the Scenario Planning Committee meeting, which has shifted to planning for spring 2021, projected to be very similar to fall, with about 25% f2f classes but otherwise online or hybrid. L&S Dean Gronert is working with the staff responsible for building the course schedule to change start and end times to allow for a 30 minute transition period between classes; this will change the way the schedule appears for spring.

K. Dolan reported on the Deans’ Meeting, at which Provost Britz asked all Deans to forward to him the number of layoffs necessary in their school or college to address the budget cuts that have been announced for the year. More details regarding layoffs will be announced in the next month and notices are likely to go out later this fall.

K. Dolan reported on the Expanded Cabinet, which met for first time this academic year. Under discussion was the plenary address by Chancellor Mone, which was scheduled earlier than last year to allow him to talk about the reopening of campus this fall, the budget crisis, the 2030 recommendations and the inclusion initiatives on which campus is working. Also discussed was the policy for informing faculty/students when someone in a course has tested positive for COVID-19. Students will be told if someone in the class has tested positive but without personal information being released; faculty and academic staff members will need to work with the student(s) as who are in quarantine/isolation. Dave Clark and Kay Eislers reported that enrollments are down 4.5% across all three campuses and all student groups (returning/new). Kelly Haag reported that 300 students have been moved into dorms, the rest will be in by Sunday, for a total of 1700 in dorms and another group in Kenilworth Square, for a total of 1900 (below 50% occupancy). Testing in Norris Health Center will focus on dorms and symptomatic students using the three machines that have been allocated to each campus by System. Faculty will not be tested on campus.

K. Dolan reported that at the Crisis Management Team meeting Chief LeMire indicated that only 85% of plexiglass has been installed because of a material shortage but he expects it all to be in place by the first day of classes. K. Dolan requested that the Chancellor ask the Provost to carry out an analysis of the ranks of teaching staff who are physically in classrooms to determine whether there is a correlation between rank and f2f instruction. Documents outlining procedures to follow if faculty and instructors feel the classroom environment has become unsafe once the semester is underway will be provided soon. A committee member asked a question about employees without state health insurance and whether they might need to be able to access testing on campus and K. Dolan agreed to look into this issue.

J. Reisel reported that the PAC approved the COVID policy and changes to the Policy on Policies.

UC representatives on standing committees for the coming academic year were assigned as follows: Affirmative Action in Faculty Employment Committee/Rothfels; APBC/Snethen; GFC/Hu; Policy Advisory Committee/Reisel.