The UC welcomes new Members Tina Freiburger and Julia Snethen; their terms officially began this week.
The regular schedule for the coming year includes a monthly meeting with the Chancellor, twice monthly meetings with the Provost and monthly meeting with the Chair of the Academic Staff Committee, Leigh Wallace. The Provost attends on the first and third Tuesday of the month, the Chancellor on the second Tuesday, and the AS Chair on the fourth Tuesday.
UC Chair Kathleen Dolan is working with outgoing Chair Kris O’Connor to fill remaining standing committee vacancies. Assignments were made for UC Members to represent the UC on various university standing committees. John Reisel will continue on the Policy Advisory Committee. Mark Schwartz was elected to the Graduate Faculty Committee so will continue to represent the UC on that committee. T. Freiburger will serve on the Academic Planning and Budget Committee. Laura Otto-Salaj will continue to serve on the Affirmative Action in Faculty Employment Committee. Bettina Arnold will serve on the Search Committee for the Dean of Social Welfare. J. Snethen will serve on the campus Space Planning Committee.
K. Dolan suggested there is a need to remind faculty of the need for participation in faculty governance, so will send an email to the faculty encouraging them to volunteer for committee service. K. Dolan will also attend the UWM Mentoring Program’s reception for newly tenured faculty on Friday, September 13th, and will encourage them to participate in faculty governance. K. Dolan, Trudy Turner, and Dev Venugopalan will be meeting with the four new Deans (Lubar, SARUP, CHS, CGS) on September 4th, and will invite each of them to attend a future UC meeting. Dean of Students Adam Jussel will also be invited to attend a future UC meeting.
M. Schwartz provided an update on MORFS. Last week, he spoke with Jack O’Meara from UW-Madison’s PROFS about budgeting for lobbying.