February 21, 2023

In member reports:

  • Schwartz reported that UW System president Rothman is looking at dates to visit UW-Milwaukee’s Faculty Senate
  • McHenry reported that the SFS Dean Search had virtual interviews last week, met Monday, and decided to go with 3 on-campus interviews, starting first week of March.
  • Dolan reported that the Post-Tenure Review policy should be updated to handle situations not anticipated in the established policy. A proposed revision was approved by consensus.
  • Boyland circulated a proposed revision to the SSEA procedures. The committee decided it was ready to send on to UWM Legal and then to Codification for consideration by Faculty Senate.

Provost Gronert visited the UC:

  • The testing center is now at the NWQ and has after-hours drop-off. The backup plan for staffing is for the Student Success Center to provide personnel if UITS cannot provide backup. A more central location is being considered to make backup easier to provide.
  • Provost Gronert is seeking input from an appropriate faculty committee for evaluation of alternative platforms for teaching evaluations. The UC questioned whether teaching evaluation must be done online, and mentioned cases where courses had teaching evaluations with zero participation, and others where no evaluation has yet been made available.