June Updates from Microsoft

Microsoft has been working on adding new features that enhance Microsoft Teams for remote work and distance learning. As new features are rolled out they will be included in future IT News updates and instructions on how to use them will be provided.

Here are a few features that are available now:

Here’s what’s coming soon:

  • 7×7 video support for desktops (view up to 49 people at once)
  • Only meeting organizers can start the meeting, participants will wait in “lobby”
  • Breakout rooms: small groups in a larger meeting can go to a breakout room to work on items and bring back to the larger group
  • Meeting attendee limit increase (from 250 to 300)

If you have any questions regarding Microsoft Teams, please contact the UWM Help Desk at 414-229-4040 or visit uwm.edu/helpdesk.