Interview with Distinguished Professor Rosario Álvarez
Rosario Álvarez, Ph.D., is a Distinguished Professor of Galician and Portuguese Philology at the University of Santiago de Compostela. Her areas of specialization include language variation (primarily geographical) and change in Galician. Professor Álvarez has been an ab initio member of the team developing the Atlas Lingüístico Galego, is a co-author of two Galician grammars, and the chief researcher of the team writing the grammar of the Real Academia Galega. She leads the Tesouro do léxico patrimonial galego e portugués project, which involves teams in Galicia, Portugal and Brazil. She is also general editor of the journal Estudos de Lingüística Galega. Professor Alvarez has been Vice-Chancellor of Teaching Staff at USC (1990-94), Chair of its Department of Galician Philology (1995-99) and the Instituto da Lingua Galega (2005-13). She is a permanent member of the Real Academia Galega, directs its Grammar Seminar, and is also the Vice-President of the Consello da Cultura Galega.
This interview, held on November 20 2015, and conducted by Julia Montemuíño and Ruth Otero Carballa, covers topics such as Dr. Álvarez’s views on the current situation of Galician Studies in North America and in the Iberian context, the creation of a permanent section on Galician Studies at MLA in 2014, and the future prospects for Galician Studies.
Professor George Greenia, College of William and Mary
George Greenia, Ph.D., is a professor at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, Virginia. His areas of specialization include the languages, literatures, and cultural history of Medieval Iberia from the 13th through the 15th century. Professor Greenia also researches medieval book culture and the archeology of the manuscript book, manuscript illuminations, pilgrimage studies, and linguistics. He has contributed to Galician studies not only through his research, but also as the founder of the Institute for Pilgrimage Studies at the College of William and Mary. Greenia promotes and educates others about the Camino de Santiago through his scholarship, classes and travels to the pilgrimage site led by the professor himself.
In this interview, Professor Greenia explains how he became interested in Galician Studies and the Camino de Santiago as well as the connections that he has found between the Camino de Santiago and Iberian Literature and Culture. Greenia also discusses the Institute for Pilgrimage Studies for those who may not be familiar with the organization. Finally, Professor Greenia comments on the travels that he makes with students to the pilgrimage site and what resonates most with students.
Kathleen March, University of Maine – Orono
Kathleen March, Ph.D., is a professor at the University of Maine in Orono, Maine. Her areas of specialization and research include Translation and Translation Studies, Galician Studies, Contemporary Latin American Literature, and Women’s Studies. Service-learning is another area of interest for March and she leads by example through her endeavors serving both the University of Maine and the community for which she was awarded the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences’ Faculty Award for Outstanding Service. Professor March has played a key role in the promotion of Galician Studies by founding the Galician Studies Association in 1985. This association has grown tremendously and is now the International Association of Galician Studies/Asociación Internacional de Estudos Galegos.
In this interview, Professor March explains how she became interested in Galician Studies and also provides insight on how Galician Studies have evolved from the first association that she founded in 1985 to the present. March also discusses Galician Literature and Culture as well as her opinions on the future of Galician Studies based on her longevity and expertise in the field.
Sharon Roseman, Memorial University, Canada
Sharon Roseman, Ph.D., is a professor at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada, where she works in the Department of Anthropology. Her research interests include Galicia, Finnmark, Newfoundland and Labrador, Historical Anthropology, Memory, Anthropology of Labor, Critical Mobility and Migration Studies, Feminist Anthropology, Food Studies, Translation Studies, Alternative Media, and Audiovisual Anthropology. Professor Roseman’s expertise in Anthropology provides a unique and valuable perspective to Galician Studies. Among her contributions to the field, Roseman has edited conference proceedings and academic journals, published ethnographic photography, and written multiple articles and books, all regarding Galician culture, heritage, and society.
In this interview Professor Roseman discusses how she became interested in Galician culture, heritage and society, as well as what an anthropological perspective contributes to Galician Studies. She also outlines some of the ways in which she has utilized her area of specialization to collaborate with other scholars to further knowledge and scholarship in the field. Finally, Professor Roseman comments on the first ever, break-through symposium on Galician Studies held at UW-Milwaukee and relays her thoughts on the future of studies concerning Galicia.
Henrique Monteagudo, Real Academica Galega/ Universidade de Santiago de Compostela
Henrique Monteagudo, Ph.D., is a Galician sociolinguist, Professor at the University of Santiago de Compostela in Spain, and the Secretary of the Royal Galician Academy (RAG). He is also the author of numerous publications on medieval Galician literature, language planning, and Galician grammar and lexicography. Due to his extensive research and participation in the field, Dr. Monteagudo’s importance to Galician Studies is undeniable. The following interview, held on Monday, May 5th 2014, covers topics such as Dr. Monteagudo’s view on (Re)Mapping Galician Studies in North America: A Breakthrough Symposium, the creation of a permanent section on Galician Studies at MLA, and the future prospects for Galician Studies in North America.