Professors Collaborate at the Corner of Tech and Health

UWM Sociology professor Noelle Chesley and Psychology professor Hobart Davies, along with Health Sciences professor Jake Luo are working together to accomplish amazing things with the TecHealth Initiative. Founded by the three professors, the Initiative aims to bring together scholars from multiple disciplines to solve problems at the intersection of technology and health care.

“Two Takes On Milwaukee’s Lead In Water Challenge”

UWM Sociology Professor Noelle Chesley discusses her proposed research to conduct an evaluation of the Milwaukee Water Filter program in a recent interview by Wisconsin Public Radio. She hopes her research can help families so fewer kids are impacted by lead contaminated water.

Bartholomay’s Drag Queen Crush in Gender & Society Blog

Daniel Bartholomay, Doctoral Student and Lecturer in the Department of Sociology, has recently written for Gender & Society blog. Bartholomay’s insightful article is entitled “My Boyfriend’s Beef with My Drag Queen Crush.” Gender & Society blog (G&S) is a peer-reviewed …