Notebook and coffee—notebook lists practice, exposure, learning, and experience under Internship heading

Internships help sociology majors explore some of the ways they can apply their social science knowledge and training before they graduate. Many internship students discover that they love a particular industry or type of job, helping them better define what they want to do after graduation. Just as important, some students find that the job they thought they wanted is not a good fit for them after interning in that setting. That experience helps them adjust their post-graduation plans.

The Greater Milwaukee area is big and diverse and provides an array of potential internship opportunities for students. As part of their professional development, we encourage our students to draw upon both UWM and personal resources to develop professionally or locate suitable internships, including:

  • Enrolling in Sociology 302: Professional Development for Social Science Students
  • Networking through friends and family and their connections
  • Networking through student organizations or professional organizations
  • Using job boards and other online sites where internships are posted
  • Connecting with the UWM’s Office of Student Experience and Talent for resume assistance, interviewing tips, internship and job postings and more
  • Depending on the internship, the role can be paid or unpaid. However, whether paid or not, internships are a valuable way to build a resume before graduation.