Sociology Colloquium, October 1, 2015

October 1, 2015
Please Join us for our October 1st Colloquium for a talk by Professor Noelle Chesley entitled, Can Gender-Atypical Work/Family Arrangements “Unstall” the Revolution?

Importance of Stories in Relation to Food

UWM Department of Sociology professor Jennifer Jordan contributes to the Journal Sentinel’s article, “Fresh: A bushelful of information on heirloom tomatoes.”
Read the article here.

2014-15 Undergraduate Awards Ceremony

The 2014-15 Awards Ceremony will take place on April 9, 2015. Awards include: The Distinguished Undergraduate Scholar Award, The Joan W. Moore Undergraduate Service Scholars Award, and New Alpha Kappa Delta Inductees

Sociology Colloquium, April 29, 2015

February 27, 2015
Please join us for our February 27th Sociology Colloquium for a talk by Professor Celeste Campos-Castillo entitled, “Trust in Physician Confidentiality: Uncovering Variability in a Neglected Aspect of Health Care.”