Noelle Chesley featured on Wisconsin Public Radio’s Lake Effect
Read the article How automated hiring systems could be contributing to the worker shortage or listen.
Read the article How automated hiring systems could be contributing to the worker shortage or listen.
Antonio Paniagua Guzmán (‘22, PhD Sociology) joined Memory Keepers Medical Discovery Team in July. Memory Keepers focuses on collaborative research to improve dementia outcomes in Indigenous and rural communities.
Michael Miner (‘20, PhD Sociology) argued the case for hiring sociologists both in academia and in the private sector in an article he wrote for Footnotes, the magazine of the American Sociological Association.
Prof. Timothy L. O’Brien and Graduate Students Stephen L. Hawkins, and Adam Loesch (all Sociology). 2022. Scientific Disciplines and the Admissibility of Expert Evidence in Courts. Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World, 8. reported on a study co-authored by Sociology Professor Aki Roberts and Professor John Roberts suggesting that police violence, especially against Black people, decreases police agencies’ effectiveness by reinforcing citizens’ cynicism with policing.