Inside American Higher Education: Is the World’s Best System in Crisis?

American Higher Education is often uncritically praised in Japan. In her newly published book, “Inside American Higher Education: Is the World’s Best System in Crisis”, Dr. Aki Roberts discusses the current challenges American universities are facing and warns Japanese educators of the danger of unthinking adoption of US practices. Educational sociologist Dr. Yoh Takeuchi contributed the last chapter and gave his thoughts on the future of Japanese higher education in comparison to its American counterpart. Even though the book is clear about the “negative side” of American higher education, Dr. Roberts mentions UW-Milwaukee favorably as an example of an institution successfully coping with various problems due to budget cuts, and an attractive destination for international students.

Dr. Aki Roberts’ book, “Inside American Higher Education: Is the World’s Best System in Crisis?,” is the #1 bestseller in “study abroad” category in Japanese Amazon (highest overall rank was #290).