Hyperion Options. Two versions of this reporting software are available:
- The Interactive Reporting Web Plugin is recommended for the majority of campus data users. Installation of this web plugin allows individuals the ability to process queries published to the Query Library and create ad hoc queries to meet data needs.
- The Interactive Reporting Studio (pc client) is recommended for those individuals who will be creating dashboards and advanced queries. Installation of the client requires installation of the Oracle client, current tnsnames.ora file, and Hyperion oce files (see below).
Software access is provided after completion of the Authorization Application.
For the Interactive Reporting Studio (pc client), the following are required:
- Oracle client. Contact your IT person or the UWM Help Desk (4040) for installation.
- Oracle tnsnames.ora. Contact your IT person for help with selecting and downloading this file.
- Map to the WeRit Network Drive
- Hyperion oce files. There are several oce files you will need to connect to different warehouses. You can get them on the WeRit\Commons\OCEs-TnsnamesNotes\OCEs then copy them to \oracle\Middleware\EPMSystem11R1\products\biplus\data\Open Catalog Extensions (your location may vary).
PAWS Student Data oces:
- MIL_RDS.oce (connects production data)
- MIL_RDS_Hist.oce (connects to History records module, 1984-present)
- MIL_RDS_All.oce (connects to production and History records module)
- MIL_RDS_Test.oce (connects to test data)
- MIL_RDS_Hist_Test.oce (connects to History test data)
Other Data Warehouse oces:
- MIL_HRS_EPM.oce (connects to HRS (EPM) Data Warehouse)
- MIL_Wisdm.oce (connects to Wisdm Data Warehouse)
- MIL_Infoaccess.oce (connects to InfoAccess Data Warehouse)